Retrieval: Sometimes Life is a Joke

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I sighed, leaning my chin in my hand as I looked at Sasuke. He sat against the frame of a bed (a hopsital bed - again) and glared out of the window. I sighed again.

"Look at you. You just recovered from your brother's fight with you-" (cue more glaring), "- and you got yourself injured again in the Land of Tea."

"Are you looking down on me, Hosu?"

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, sure. Of course I am. After all, I'm the one in the chair and you are the one in a hospital bed. Of course I glancing down at you."

I laughed at my joke. 

I sighed when he continued glaring. "What, not gonna sass back? You're no fun." I rolled my eyes. "Besides, why would I look down on you? Getting injured means that you fought hard or was just plain careless. It doesn't mean you're weak." 

I laughed again. "Uchiha Sasuke, weak? That's kind of funny."

When he continued keeping quiet, I decided to bring up what I read in some documents I found regarding my clan to change the subject. 

"Guess what, I'm getting married!"

He jolted, facing me with a shocked expression for a split second before slipping on his emo mask again. "Who'd want to marry someone as annoying as you? Besides, you're only thirteen."

I puffed out my cheeks. "Thirteen and a half, mind you! Who knows, in two and half years, maybe someone would bow before me and carry me far, far away!"

He rolled his eyes.

"I read in the Hosu clan's documents about how our clan is strong, but small. Ya know, most Hosus die early because of people killing them or the chakra CHOKING THEM gasp. How did most of them survive until the Third Shinobi War? They had political marriages! So it's fated that I'm going to end up in a political marriage."

I frowned. "But I don't want to get married! It would take something realllly romantic to sweep me off my feet. Like some tall handsome guy with dark hair and who's nice to me and only me. And there must be sunset in the background and a violin playing a romantic melody as he proposes! Then I might marry."

He snorted, rolling his eyes. "Good luck with that, Hosu."

I whacked him upside the head, careful to avoid his injuries. I started talking again.

"I can't believe only three people who were promoted to chuunins," I mumbled, pouting. 

They were Shikamaru, Sora, and Sekken. It was not fair that both my teammates got promoted and not me! I must do something about it. Namely get Sekken to teach me how build up my chakra and get Sora to help me build up my stamina.

The door opened, and Naruto, together with Sakura, noisily came in, placing an abrupt stop in our conversation. They greeted us cheerily, but Sasuke scowled once he laid eyes on Naruto. Sakura sat beside Sasuke, taking out an apple and began slicing it for him. Sasuke crossed his arms tightly, eyes fixed in a sharp glare.

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