The Ending: Parallel Situations

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From then on, it was as if a wall broken between Sasuke and I.

Ever since that incident with the slapping brunette, it was like us ignoring each other for two years did not even happen. We continued being friends, with me disturbing him whenever I saw him around, having meals together frequently (which, of course, was initiated by me), taking walks together, training together...

We were friends again, just like when were children.

"I see them!" I waved goodbye to Sasuke as I spotted the Kitsune twins at our usual training spot. "See you!"

He nodded in greeting and left. I skipped up to the Kitsunes, all smiles.

They gave me a look.

"What?" I asked.

"You seem awfully close to the Uchiha," Sora remarked.

"Don't be silly! He was gonna meet Team Seven and we happened to run into each other, and I decided to walk with him since we're going the same way!"

"I take it that your plans of rekindling your friendship with him has worked," Sekken said.

I nodded. "Yep! Now we're great friends again – "

(Sora coughed. "Yeah, great.")

"... it's as if we're children again!" I said, grinning.

"And you're okay with that?"

I blinked, confused.

Sora sighed. "Are you okay with being just friends with the Uchiha?"

My smile faltered. My mind flashed to the kisses we shared, despite not being together as a couple.

"Do you still love him?"

I thought of the sixteen-year-old me, earnestly declaring that I loved him. I thought of the me now – juggling my duties as a jounin, trying to prove my worth, and trying to mend all my relationships.

I couldn't answer the question. Instead, I took out a kunai and declared a sparring session.

* * *

One night, when I was about to happily doze off, I was awoken by the ringing of my doorbell. It was already past eleven, and I was about to ignore the rude visitor and go back to sleep before the ringing continued.

"Ugh!" I threw the covers off me, storming to the doorway and flinging the door opened.

"You!" I cried when I saw who my unexpected visitor was. "What are you doing here at this hour?!"

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