The Ending: Priorities

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Sasuke and I don't fight often.

Alright, correction: Sasuke and I don't really fight often. Most of the time it's just us squabbling (him ignoring me while I lose my temper over small things, getting into misunderstandings because of my poor communication skills and his weakness at expressing himself...), or arguing over the most insignificant things ("I'll wait for you after your work today." "What?! Don't be silly – it's your half day today! Go home early!" "I live my life the way I want to, Hosu.").

But when we fight, we really fight.

I remember our first major fight. It was about him accepting an extremely dangerous S-ranked mission, one that he shouldn't be going, especially since this new mission was in a village he previously attacked a lot of shinobis from during his missing-nin days. I found out about the mission by chance when I was clearing the coffee table, stumbling across the papers detailing the missions.

"Why did you accept this without telling me?" I demanded angrily when he came home in the late afternoon.

He placed his katana and ANBU mask on the table, sending the documents about the mission a quick glance before flopping down on the sofa. "Because I want to."

"You want to?! You know that the council is made up of idiots; you know that the Hokage council is purposely giving you these dangerous missions at places where people want you dead! They're out to get you – they want you to die out there or force you into a position where you're, I don't know, berserk, just so they can banish you from Konoha!"

"And you care because?"

I exploded. "I am your girlfriend! Of course I care about you! You know they're out to get you and you just accepted this stupid mission without even consulting me! Am I even important to you, Uchiha Sasuke?!"

He shot me an angry glare, standing up and crossing his arms. "You're so goddamn annoying. This is my life; I can do whatever the hell I want. You don't get to dictate my choices just because you're my girlfriend."

"Oh yeah?! Well then maybe... maybe we should just break up!"

I regretted my words the moment they left my mouth. My eyes widened in shock.

Sasuke unfolded his arms, and his eyes turned into the Sharingan-Rinnegan, a sign that he was absolutely fuming. For a split second, even though I know that Sasuke would never hurt me, I felt fear.

I bit my lip and turned on my heel, fleeing out of the house.

(Little did I know, the moment the door slammed shut, Sasuke sighed to himself, sitting back down and burying his head in his hands, cursing his incompetence in correctly expressing himself and controlling his anger.)

I ran to the only place I knew I could go – the Kitsune compound. My Uncle would make too much of a fuss and kill Sasuke, and I didn't feel right disturbing my (happily married) senseis with such personal issues.

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