Fourth Shinobi War: Surprise Attack Division

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True to Uncle Kakashi's words, there was a lot of work to do once we got back to Konoha.

"During the summit, Akatsuki declared a Fourth Shinobi War against us," Uncle Kakashi, who was acting Hokage at that time, announced.

Just before Uncle was officially declared as Sixth Hokage, Tsunade woke up from her coma, much to everyone's relief.

"Thank goodness," Uncle Kakashi remarked. "I don't think I would have been able to lead everyone in the war."

"Nonsense," Tsunade said before diving into work.

Time passed by in a blur. All around us, shinobis were allocated to different divisions, and each division brainstormed on strategies and trained for the impending war.

While Sekken was sent to the Fourth Division, Sora and I were sent to the Surprise Attack Division.

"You kiddos will be fine," Hideki-sensei, who was assigned to hold the headquarters' fort, assured us. "Sekken's combat skills will aid Kakashi-san well, and Sora and Mika, your skills will be helpful in ambushing the enemies before they realise it."

"I wanted to be in the same division as Uncle..." I mumbled, unwittingly thinking about that time when Pein assaulted the village and killed Uncle.

Hideki-sensei patted my shoulder. "Don't worry about your Uncle. He is a powerful shinobi, and those in his divisions are as well."

Then he lowered his voice. "This is war, Mika-Mika. We have to be prepared to sacrifice and lose people... for the sake of peace for tomorrow, for the sake of the defenseless, and for the sake of our home."

I nodded.

* * *

After sending out rations, medical supplies, having meetings, and training, it was finally time for the Surprise Attack Division to strike.

Sora and I, along with the rest of the division, geared up and climbed on Sai's ink bird, leaving Konoha to set base near the rumored Akatsuki bases.

"Alright," Kankuurou, division leader, said after we finished setting up the base in the woods. "Hoheto, use your eyes to keep a look out for incoming enemy. Zaji and Mika, be sure to sense any incoming chakra, especially at Hoheto's blind spots."

The three of us nodded before spreading out around the camp.

Kankuurou, Kiri, and Sora busied themselves, pouring over scrolls and maps, strategizing on how to carry out a surprise ambush on the Akatsuki.

"Hey!" Zaji suddenly yelled, getting the attention of the division. "Someone's coming there!"

I focused in the direction Zaji was pointing at, and sensed the chakra of an Aburame.

The figure approached us, and we could see that it was Muta, another Konoha shinobi from Shino's clan.

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