Fourth Shinobi War: What It Means to Be Hokage

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The Surprise Attack Division spent the next few days resting and taking our time to heal at the headquarters while Kankuurou went to discuss things with the higher ups.

"... reincarnated souls, you say..." the higher ups murmured. "This makes things more complicated."

Shortly, they decided that there was no further need for our division in the war's current stage, and they started to dispatch us to different divisions to help out.

Sora was sent off to the 4th Division, where she would fight alongside Sekken, standing in the frontlines assaulting the enemies under Uncle Kakashi's orders. I stayed at the base, keeping a looking out for any approaching chakras, and even helping heal other shinobis when the medic nins had their hands tied.

One day, I sensed something amiss.

I sensed a massive, murderous, and unnatural chakra approaching the headquarters and fast, and I knew in my gut that it meant trouble.

I looked for the other sensors frantically, and felt my heart fell when they had equally troubled expressions.

"... This is not good," a Hyuuga mumbled, biting his lip in disbelief. "It's the Ten Tailed Beast. It's coming for us."

At once, everyone scrambled into action. "Tell Shikaku that the Ten-Tails is coming!"

Shikaku, Shikamaru's father, quickly came up with a strategy, enlisting the help of Ino to convey his orders to everyone at the base.

"Hideki, Kyou, Shimei," Shikaku's voice rang in everyone's minds. "The three of you, go get the rest of the divisions back and tell them the situation. The rest of you, listen up and do exactly as I say."

After receiving my set of orders, I went into position with the other water users. Rei-sensei smiled grimly at me as I caught up with her, and along with the rest, we assembled near the front lines, mixing quicklime with our water.

When the Ten-Tails eventually reached the headquarters, Shikaku's plan appeared to work. With the combined strength of everybody, we managed to defend the base and sent the beast crashing into our pit.

"Water users, now!"

Alongside with the other water users, I summoned my chakra, and together, we covered the beast in our quicklime mix. The beast thrashed about the pit, but it stayed covered and contained.

"Alright!" the shinobis at the headquarters cheered.

But our celebration was short-lived. The Ten-Tails kept quiet for a while before it started thrashing about, eventually cracking quicklime mix.

"Well, well," a voice from the top of the headquarters said.

We looked up, only to see two figures standing on the roof, their cloaks blowing in the wind. The first man with half of his face scarred smirked, his Sharingan gleaming under the moonlight. Beside him stood a reincarnated Uchiha Madara, chuckling as he looked at the Ten-Tails breaking free from the quicklime mix.

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