Chapter 2

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I sighed and rolled my eyes when I found another love letter in my locker. The pink envelope was lying next to my collection of Lady Gaga’s albums, giving me goose bumps because of the name written on it: Gregory Van Kilmer. What the hell? He was obviously the kind of guy who thought ‘silence means yes’ or something.

It was the fourth letters he had sent me during this month, but I never responded to any of them. I even tore them into pieces and they always ended up in the trash bin. For this one, I would not bother myself to read it. His letters were all basically the same. Implicitly, he just wanted to sleep with me. I heard a lot about how the highschoolers were dating nowadays.

At the first stage, you two just went to see a lame movie like A Walk to Remember or Twilight and talked rubbish to impress your mate. Move to the second stage, you started to hold hands, getting more intimate in physical contact. After you felt the sensation of each other’s skin, you would think it was okay to kiss. Next, one of the two parties might be turned on and asked for more. Most of them were the guys. He would try to get into your sensitive parts and said a lot of ‘I love you’s’. If the girl was stupid enough to fall into his trap, she would end up giving her V-card, and Bam! At the end he would leave you crying. Why? Because your jerk boyfriend had gotten what he wanted. End of story.

Okay, that was just my opinion, and definitely not based on my own experience. In fact, I was never involved in any romantic relationship with any guy all my life. I was not interested in guys, I had no idea why. Probably, it was because I grew up with my two older brothers who always acted immature and sometimes I even compared them to a Neanderthal prehistoric people. They had succeeded to build my perception about how much of an idiot all men were. So Greg, I just wanted to say this to you: You wish!

Maybe I was one of five percent of girls who were  virgin in my year, including Cassandra the geek and fat Lulu. It was not that I was ugly or had a wart on my face. With a catchy red hair, nice feature, sharp green eyes, and some freckles all over my nose, I considered myself as pretty. Well, don’t compare me to those popular girls who wore high heels and drove sport cars to school, because I would look like a loser among them. Yet, I might be special for particular person, such as Gregory. I did not know what on earth was that which made him crazy about me. Was I so adorable or what? Greg was not bad, though. At least he was not an emo and did not cut himself. Unfortunately, I just did not see him that way.

“Kelsey?” someone poked me when I just got out of my art class. I turned around to see who he was and startled.

“Oh, hi Greg,” I said, pretending to be busy with my belongings.

“Can we talk for a sec?” he asked hesitantly. My eyes widened. It was very unusual. He never dared to talk to me before.

“Um, sure. Just talk now.” I looked straight into his eyes and leaned against the wall.

“I don’t think this is an appropriate place to talk privately. It’s too noisy,” he said, scratching his head. I wanted to make everything clear as soon as possible, so when he asked me to follow him to the school roof, I went along. As I had predicted before, he talked about his letters.

“I’m just wondering...why don’t you reply them? Come on, Kels. You almost drive me nuts. I need an immediate answer. Will you go out with me?”

“No,” I answered briefly but straight to the point. Greg looked shocked and humiliated.


“Well, I want to concentrate on my study at the moment. I don’t want to be distracted.”

“That’s not a reason. I can’t accept that,” he said, shaking his head firmly. “Please give me one chance,” he continued.

“I can’t. I just see you as a friend, Greg. I’m so sorry.” I quickly backed off and walked away, but he grabbed my arm.

“All I ask is just one date,” he said forcibly. I was annoyed by his behavior already and brushed off his hand.

“Listen, I’m a lesbian. I don’t like men and you’d better stay away from me!” I yelled at him. He gasped.

“What? You’re a...?”

“Yes! So, leave me alone,” I said impatiently. Gregory looked so damn disappointed and was stunned there. I smirked and walked off. Great, now he would not send me a love letter anymore. Before you judge me, let me straight this thing up. I did not have that kind of temptation to my own sex. I lied in order to get rid of him. It worked well, but it turned out that Greg was such a snitch. The next day, everyone at school thought I was a lesbian. Fantastic. Now I got a new image.

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