Chapter 10

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So this is how it feels when you ride your daughter for her first day of school. My mind keeps telling me that she’s still a baby, and I am not ready to let her go. On the contrary, Elsa is impatient to jump off the car. Dressed in plaid skirt and Minnie Mouse tee shirt, she looks very enthusiastic and confident. She has been waiting for today and talking about it during the whole week.

“Okay, kiss me.”

I lean in to give her a smooch. She seizes her small backpack I have stuffed with a pile of sandwiches and pushes the door. She turns to me as her feet step on the ground.  Suddenly she bits her lips and moves back towards the car.

“Mom, I change my mind. Let’s just go home,” she says.

“What? Why? You were so excited just a minute ago!” I exclaim in surprise. Elsa shakes her head.

“There are too many people here...” she mutters, glancing at a bunch of kids who storm into the gate. They keep coming just like flood.

“You’ll be okay, Honey. They are soon to be your new friends.”

I try to encourage her. She has to get inside as soon as possible because I am almost late for work.

“I’ll pick you up at twelve. Take care.”

I stroke her hair. Elsa smiles slightly and finally walks to the building. I watch her until she is out of my sight and turn on the machine. I am speeding so that I can make it on time to the office.

“Miss Jensen!” someone calls me when I arrive. She is the receptionist, Diana. She is a kind girl who always greets me every morning with her nice smile. It is funny how people call me ‘Miss’ just because I am unmarried, when actually I think it will be more suitable if I am called ‘Mrs’. There are still five years to go until I reach thirty, yet I feel old already because of what I have been through.


“There is someone waiting for you,” she informs.

“Now? I thought we have agreed to meet at ten.”

“Um, well, I don’t think we’re on the same page.”


“I’m not talking about your new editor. He’s a college student or something. He was sitting there five minutes ago but I didn’t pay attention and he was suddenly gone.”

“Did he mention his name or leave me a message?”I ask, wondering who he is. What kind of business do I have with a college student?

“No, I think he’ll come back soon. Oh, there he is,” says her, looking over my shoulder. I turn my body around and gape.


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