Chapter 24

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Elsa is speeding on her bicycle. The wind blows her smooth blond hair to every direction. She looks up to the sky and closes her eyes, absorbing the vitamin D from the pouring sunlight. Her feet, which are covered by a new pair of navy patterned sneakers, are paddling with agile movements. Once or twice she turns around to make sure that I am still behind her. I just want this to be a relaxing morning, so I do not bother myself to race with my daughter.

Even though Elsa is only seven, she can ride two wheels bicycle already. Thanks to Joey who always has time for my daughter. I never thought that he was going to be a nice uncle before, because, you know...what he was like at the past. I am so happy with his dramatic changes, though. I know that deep inside he has a big heart. Anyway, He was also the one who taught Elsa how to swim. Oh, baby, I am sorry that we hardly spend quality time together. I am trying hard to provide you a better life than I ever had in my childhood. Now this is Saturday, and I have promised her for a walk in the park. Well, not precisely. Actually we are biking, not walking.

You might be wondering why we can laugh together again today because yesterday she did not even want to see me. The secret is in Mr. Bunny, her doll. After I gave her the rabbit doll, she suddenly turned bright again and forgave me instantly. She is just a little girl, after all. I am glad that she got her favorite toy back; on the other hand it gives me a little problem. I have to explain a lot of things to Alex. I have emailed him, telling that I will visit him this afternoon. Alex studies at MIT and lives in a dorm, so it means I have to travel around 214 miles from New York to Boston. Gosh, it will take minimum 4 hours driving. I think I will arrive by evening. Anyway, I am still thinking what to say to him. Where should I start? I am just worried about his reaction. Will he be angry? Wait. No, he cannot be upset. I am the one who take care of our daughter all along. My life is more spoiled than him. Oh my God, what am I talking about? Elsa is my blessing. The damned thing is what we did, not her.

“Mom! Faster!” Elsa shouts cheerfully, looking back at me.  Slowly, she raised her body up and stood up on the pedals, while the bike keeps running.

“Elsa, watch out!” I shriek in horror. Elsa chuckles and stretches out her hands, pretending to be a plane or something. It reminds to that epic scene in Titanic when Jack and Rose were standing at the edge of the ship. The difference is Elsa is doing it on a moving bicycle and it freaks me out.

“For goodness sake, honey, stop showing off and...”

All of a sudden, a man walks across the path, right in front of me. I try to avoid him, but I lose control and fall down, with the bike on top of me.

“Ow...” I moan in pain. There is a cut on my knee, and it is bleeding. The man approaches me in hurry.

“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” he asks as he helps to remove the bike. Damn, I hope it’s not broken. I just bought it like three days ago.

“I’m fine,” I answer and lift up my head to see who the man I almost crash is. I gape when our eyes meet. I know him.

“Are you...Kelsey? Kelsey Jensen? Wow, the world is so small,” he says, grinning.

“Yeah...I didn’t expect to see you again, Gregory.”

I smile at him, looking at him from head to toe. Gregory Van Kilmer. Remember the guy who sent me a bunch of love letters at the beginning of this story? He is a little bit different though, more mature and gentleman-like. I almost did not recognize him because of the suit he wears.

Elsa sees me falling from afar and immediately approaches me. She drops herself next to me and stares at the wound.

“Does it hurt, mom?” she asks with her innocent face.

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