Chapter 20

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 “What have you done to her, Kelsey? Elsa won’t get out of my room,” my brother, Joey, says in annoyance as he opens the door for me. Every time I’m busy, I always depend on him to take care of Elsa. Joey does some freelance jobs and he spends most of his time in his apartment, which is located just a few blocks from mine, so I can drop and pick up Elsa easily on my way to work.

“She’s just mad because she thinks she is adopted,” I answer, walking straight to the living room. Joey exclaims “What?” and follows me behind. Then I realize that my brother is having a guest. There is someone sitting on the sofa, watching television.

“Hi Kels,” she says, smiling at me awkwardly.

“Oh, hi Hailie. What are you doing here?” I ask her, frowning. Hailie is my one and only best friend. Besides my brothers, she is the third person who knows that I have a daughter. For your information, I never tell anyone at my office that I am a single mother. Except to Hailie, of course. Like me, she is also a journalist, but one step ahead in seniority than me.

“Um, did I tell you that I was going here this afternoon?” I ask again, for I don’t expect to see her in Joey’s apartment. I mean, what kind of business she might have with him, right?

Hailie suddenly becomes nervous, but then Joey immediately walks towards her and put his arm around her shoulder.

“Sorry for not telling you earlier. Hailie and I are kind of going out,” Joey says, grinning. Hailie clarifies the truth of my brother’s statement by nodding her head. There is guilt in her eyes.

“Please don’t mad at me,” she says, pleading at me.

“What? Why do you think I’m going to be angry? Actually I’m happy to see both of you together. I just don’t get what you see in him, Hailie.” I chuckle.

“Well, he’s hot.”

Hailie winks her eye and kisses Joey passionately.

“Ew, gross. It doesn’t mean that you can do such an  exhibition in front of me.” I cringe in disgust. “Anyway, Joey, I’ll slit your throat if you hurt my best friend,” I say firmly at him. Joey laughs.

“Don’t worry I’m no longer a player. In fact I’m very serious with my baby Hailie. Elsa will soon have a new auntie,” he says, grinning. Hailie stares at him with an I-love-you-so-much looks that makes me want to throw up. It is just weird to see your best friend making out with your brother.

“Talking about Elsa, where is she?” I ask, looking around. My brother points at his room.

“I’ve told you she’s in my room. Could you please get her out? Because we need the room immediately, if you know what I mean,” he says naughtily.

“Oh, honey.”

Hailie leans on his chest and they cuddles. I roll my eyes.

“Gosh, just stop that. That’s gross. I’ll go get her.”

 I pull the door knob, but it is locked. I turn to Joey and he says Elsa has isolated herself there for hours. Oh my God, is she that angry? After clearing my throat, I knock on the door several times while calling out Elsa’s name. I manage to make my voice as soft as possible. It is no use because she still does not answer.

“Elsa? Baby, please open up...” I beg her. Honestly I get a little bit panicked. I am afraid that there is something happen to her.

“No! I hate you," she shouts. I sigh in relief, feeling glad that she finally answers. I do not expect her to say she hates me, though. Joey stands up and approaches me.

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