Chapter 4

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The address Gemma had given to me was different from the previous one. I did not recollect that she lived in this complex. Moreover, the family name written next to the house number was ‘Wilson’, not ‘Garner’. I was wondering whether Gemma sent me to babysit her friend’s kid. I gulped and knocked hesitantly on the door. After my third knock, the door swung open. An unfamiliar figure of a young teenage boy appeared in front of me. Wow. He looked so Disney. His appearance looked like a mix of Zac Efron, Sterling Knight, and Justin Bieber. Maybe it was because of his messy blond hair and those bangs. He was cute, though. 

“Yes?” He stared at me in an arrogant manner. From his tone I knew that he was not in a good mood or maybe he was indeed an unfriendly person. I tried to keep cool and explained my purpose.

“I’m looking for Gemma Garner. She asked me to come here. My name is Kelsey Jensen, by the way.”

The boy raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly. Although I had said my name, he did not bother to introduce himself. I thought it was impolite.

“I’m afraid that Gemma Garner you’re looking for doesn’t live here,” he said lazily and somehow emphasized his voice when he said Garner.

“Oh, okay then. Thanks any...” I was about to go when suddenly someone called out my name from the boy’s back.



I squinted and scrutinized the woman who was carrying a little girl in her arms. She gestured at the boy to get inside and grinned at me. So she definitely lived here, but I was still puzzled about many things.

“I’m sorry, he’s Alex, my stepson,” Gemma said, while stroking Lola’s hair, who was sleeping soundly with her head lying on Gemma’s shoulder. Ah, that explained everything.

“Wow...I didn’t know you got married,” I said, surprised. Gemma chuckled.

“ was only two months ago, actually. Kels, I’m sorry I didn’t invite you. Oh, I wish I did. It was so hectic and I even forgot to tell some of my big families,” she explained.

“It’s okay. I totally understand.”

“Thank you, you’re too nice. Come on; let’s just talk in the living room.”

She let me inside and closed the door. The house was much larger than Gemma’s previous studio apartment. From the smell of new furniture and a heap of cardboards sprawled at the corner of the room, I guessed they just moved here less than a week. The so-called Alex was watching television when I came in.

“Have a seat, Kels,” Gemma said, then told the annoying boy to make us some tea. He scoffed and grumbled, but walked to the kitchen immediately anyway.

“I’m sorry about Alex’s behavior. He’s a lil bit impolite,” Gemma said, biting her lips. I did not mind about him, actually. His dad was just remarried and out of nowhere he got a new mother and sister, so I understood that he was unstable. Maybe he had not settled yet with his new life. He needed some time to adapt with everything, especially to accept a stepmom. Blame Cinderella for this. That fairy tale had built a bad image for stepmoms when actually not all of them were cruel.

“I and my new husband, Jim, are going to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon. So, we need someone to take care of Lola for about a month,” Gemma said, her cheeks flushing. I choked when I heard her saying ‘a month’. That was such a long time.

“A month? And you mean, full-time? I’m afraid I can’t, Gem, I also have to go to school and everything...”

“Of course, I know that you’re busy since you’re in your last year of senior high,” Gemma said quickly. “I have hired someone, an old woman named Lucy. She is nice and has agreed to babysit Lola from morning till afternoon. She can’t stay here 24/7 because she has to go home and has three children herself. I only need you to be here for the evening. You can sleep here if you want. What do you think?”

I frowned and was thinking for long minutes.

“Please, Kels? It’s very difficult to find someone that can be trusted nowadays...” Gemma muttered.

“Well, I guess I can, but I need to think about that. Maybe I’ll tell you my decision tomorrow,” I said. Gemma’s eyes beamed with excitement.

“Great! Tell me as soon as possible, okay? I need an immediate answer. Anyway, I’ll pay you three times more than last summer,” she smiled widely. Hmmm, it was a very good offer, actually. My mouth wide opened as she mentioned the number.

“Here’s your tea.”

Alex came, carrying a tray with two cups on it. He put them carelessly on the table and quickly walked upstairs after Gemma thanked him. When he was out of sight, Gemma turned to me and said,

“Kels, I heard from Mrs. Flinn that you’re a math whiz, is that right?”

“Um, I don’t think I deserve that title, but yeah I can do math a little...” I said in a low voice, wondering what else Mrs. Flinn told about me.

“Alex flunked some subjects last semester and he is not really good especially in math. I think he needs a tutor. Would you mind doing a double job as a nanny and tutor?” she asked. A double job. It meant a double payment. Whoah. I would get a lot of money at the end of the month. Sipping my tea, I smiled and imagined the cash in my hand. I probably would say yes tomorrow.

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