Chapter 23

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Do you know the first thing I did after I found out that I was pregnant? Well, I went straight to the internet cafe and checked out Wikipedia to get some insight. It’s not that I was completely blank about that matter. I was a twelfth grader, remember? I had taken sex education 101 like two years ago where the stupid teacher distributed condoms all over the class. Damn, they emphasized more of HOW instead of WHEN to do it right and now look what trouble I got into. In fact, most of my friends turned into sexually active teenagers once they came out of the class. No surprise. At the third meeting, we were shown an educational video (read: porn) which was jaw-dropping and contained of two people groaning and moaning during one and a half hour. There must have been something wrong with the curriculum, it was so freaky. The teacher herself also looked like a fetish. Ew. Anyways, it did not matter anymore. I guess I PASSED the subject perfectly because I had made a successful fertilization. No, wait. We should change I there with We, don’t you think? Even though I was the one who was going to be bloating, carrying the obvious evidence right inside my belly, but still...TWO people contributed in this. And no need for DNA test because I was one hundred percent sure the second party was Alex Wilson.

“Pregnancy is the carrying of one or more offspring, known as a fetus or embryo, inside the womb of a female...” I muttered, reading the lines written on the computer screen. I dragged the mouse down and scanned through the page, trying to find something that might help me out. I sighed heavily and closed the browser window when I realized that most of the sites just provide the information of how to pass through it, not get rid of it, which was the thing I most likely wanted to do at the moment.

I didn’t want to be pregnant. Only if I could throw the fetus by simply flushing the toilet. Hey, what the hell, Kels? That was cruel.

Gulping, I slowly typed the search engine box once again, with a scary word that just crossed my mind: Abortion.

“Holy shit!” I squealed. My voice was loud enough until the woman next to me turned her head and frowned. My eyes did not blink when I looked at the picture of aborted babies. There was one with its head cut off which made me want to throw up. The other one showed a picture of bleeding tiny embryo, with a sentence written under it:

What a proud society we are: Killing our most defenseless citizens in the name of a woman’s right to choose.

I could not stand seeing them, so I quickly logged off and got out of there. On my way home, millions of thoughts were flashing in my mind. I started to build an imaginary note contained of some options, such as:

1. Shut up and nobody knows. (yeah right, soon you’re bigging)

2. Go to Alex and ask him to marry you. (I will, if he’s at least 20 years and doesn’t have a girlfriend)

3. Abort the baby. (sounds reasonable, but...isn’t it the same as a murder?)

4. Jump off the bridge or grab a rope and play hangman with yourself. (idiot, it won’t only kill the baby but you as well)

5. Keep it. (......)

“Arrrrghhh, shut up!” I screamed in the middle of the street, covering my both ears with my hands. People surrounds me stared at me with weird look, but I could not care less.

Think clearly, Kelsey. You have to find the solution with a clear head, I said inwardly.

Tears streaming down my face as I realized that this whole thing would ruin my relationship with Nicholas.

My first teenage love affair. Now it ended.

Taking a deep breath, I took out my phone and pushed Alex’s number. I hoped he did not suffer a heart attack when I told him this. 

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