Chapter 25

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Telling Alex’s parents about my pregnancy was a terrible decision. It had plunged Alex into a big trouble and what I got was only an insult. Gosh, they were going to send him to a military school! But it was nothing compared to the swollen ankles I would suffer during the next nine months, right? Yeah right. I hadn’t even decided whether to keep the baby or not.

In the middle of my desperation, I just sent a breaking-up text message to Nicholas. I did not say it was because I was knocked up, though. Damn, he would think I was a bimbo or something if I did.

Nick, I don’t think it’s going to work between us. I’m breaking up with you.


He had called and texted me like a gazillion times, asking for explanation of the sudden dumping.

Are you kidding me? That’s nonsense! Kels, please answer my calls!!!


His questions just gave me more pressure and got me crazy, so I turned off my phone and stuffed it into my bag with no intention of replying all his messages and calls.

Sorry, Nick. I really had to do this. We couldn’t be together.

Everything did not turn better as I stepped inside my apartment. My brother, Joey, welcomed me with stiff face. He was gripping a piece of paper.

Crap. I forgot.

“Okay, what is this?” he asked, holding up the paper. It was my test result from the doctor, which was clearly written with my name on it along with the diagnosis that I was positively pregnant. I must have left it on the dine table this morning. I gulped and backed away from Joey, whose eyes scared me to death. I never saw him this mad before.

“Whom did you screw with?!” he shouted and grabbed my arm harshly until I almost hit my hips at the edge of the table.

“Joey, watch out! You could hurt the baby!” I shrieked, and reflexively covered my mouth when I saw him gaped in shock. He pointed at my womb, quivered.

“’s true, then? Holy shit. Didn’t you at least drink a pill or use a condom?! I can’t believe how stupid you are!” he yelled at me loudly. His angry voice was echoing all over the room, making the window glass vibrated. I ducked my head and kept silent. I really did not know what to say. If Joey called me a bitch right now I would not even slap him or anything. I was numb. I had had enough people yelling at me today.

“Tell me, who is the bloody guy? I’ll kill him!”

He shook my weak shoulders.

“I...I don’t know.” I whispered, sobbing.

“What do you mean you don’t know? many guys have you slept with? Damn, Kels!”

Every word that came from Joey’s mouth just made me feel worse. Why didn’t he understand that what I actually needed was support and encouragement? Not another blame!

“Stop shouting at me! If you don’t have any solution, just leave me alone!”

I removed his hands and ran into my bedroom. Joey called me out several times, but he did not chase me. I plopped down on my bed and hid myself under the quilt, crying. I heard Joey was talking on the phone with someone outside. A few minutes later, he knocked on my door and entered in without my permission.

“Don’t worry, it’s not too late. I just called Woman’s Help and scheduled you for the consultation tomorrow. They will help you to decide which method is the safest for a girl at your age,” he said coldly. I wiped my tears and turned to him, puzzled.

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