Chapter 22

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Nicholas was serious with our relationship. He even invited me to his father’s birthday dinner tonight.I made sure that Madison did not bring her boyfriend along, then agreed to come. It took me ages rummaging the closet in order to find a suitable outfit. Finally, my eyes caught a pink color formal gown which I bought long ago and never wore it once.

“This is perfect...” I muttered, pulling out that silk dress slowly so I would not rip it apart. Smiling widely, I got myself into the gown. My happy expression faded as I stood in front of the big mirror behind the door and saw that it did not fit me as good as I thought. It looked too tight, especially in the part below my waist. I gazed down at it and squinted. Did I gain weight?

Obviously. Damn, look at you. What had you been eating lately?

With a heavy heart, I took it off and changed to a looser black mini dress which color had been dull. Actually I did not want to wear this thing but there was no other dress that was proper for such event. Before I closed the closet, I gave it my last pathetic looks and sighed. I was applying a creamy tasted lipgloss all over my lips when my phone flickered.

Kels, I’m already in front of your apartment. Should I come in or wait outside?


I got panicked and immediately grabbed my purse. I would not let him get inside because introducing my boyfriend to Joey was the last thing I would ever want to do.

                “Joey, I’m going to dine out with...” At first I was going to say ‘my boyfriend’ but if I said so he would definitely question me, so I told him I was going to go with a friend instead.

“Okay,” he said lazily without even looking at me. His eyes were locked upon our wrecked television which was showing soap commercial with an almost naked girl in it. Well, it was good, though. If he saw what I was wearing I was sure he would frown and make rude comments. I told him not to wait for me and dashed off.


Nicholas appeared at the stairs just after I closed the door. I was glad that he had not pushed the bell yet. He blushed when I checked out his appearance. He was so adorable in that long-sleeved striped white shirt and grey jeans. Moreover, he smelled so yummy, like a fresh baked cookie.

“Um, the salesperson told me girls love chocolate fragrance perfume,” he said sheepishly.

“Yeah, you’re so tempting and smell delicious.” I chuckled. “Anyway, do I look okay?” I asked him, worrying about my appearance. Nick seized my hand and kissed my knuckles.

“You’re hot,” he grinned, but then frowned and put his hand on my forehead.

“Wow, you’re really hot. Are you sure you want to go? You don’t look well.”

“No, I’m fine. Let’s just hop in your car,” I said, trying to assure him that I was not that sick.

To be honest, I felt a little bit fatigue this evening. Probably I also caught a cold because this morning I vomited like crazy and my body temperature seemed higher than usual. I had planned to rest as I went home from school, but suddenly Nick told me about his father’s birthday and that he wanted me to come over. There was no way I would miss it.

“By the way, when is your birthday?” I asked Nick, who was driving carefully beside me. He used to drive like those dudes in Fast and Furious, but tried to slow down after I nearly threw up onto the dashboard yesterday. Wait, why did I vomit often lately? Okay, never mind. Maybe it was because of the food or something.

“It’s in July 15th. Make sure you remember it,” he answered, winking at me. I smiled and took out my cell phone to mark the date on the calendar. I was struck when I stared at the screen.

There was something wrong.

I scrolled up to the previous months, and then went back to the current month which had no note yet in it. It was weird because I always marked my period dates and...

Oh my God. I had missed my period.

“I...I’m late...” I mumbled, my heart was beating fast.

“No, we’re not. Actually, we’re one hour early. The dinner will start at eight,” Nick said.

I was late...I was late for my period. What about the vomiting? Wait, wait. My breasts also felt sore lately. Oh my God. Could it be that...?

“Kelsey?” Nick looked at me with puzzled expression.

“Nick, I don’t think I can go. My head is really spinning right now. I guess I’m ill,” I said weakly, showing him a dying face.

“Are you sure? We’re halfway to the restaurant.”

I glanced through the window and saw a hospital on our left. I asked him to drop me there because I needed an immediate check up. At first he insisted to accompany me, but her mother called, telling him that everyone was already waiting for him.

“It’s okay, just go. I’ll call my brother to pick me up as I’m done. I’m terribly sorry I can’t come...” I said. Nick looked disappointed, but he kissed me gently and left me in the waiting room.

Five minutes later, the nurse called out my name. My legs were shaking as I walked in to see the doctor. She was a middle-aged lady who looked nice. She told me to lie down on the bed and did some general checkups while asking me questions.

Please tell me it was just a cold.

I thought everything was finished, but then she took out a small tube and handed it over to me.

“What’s this for?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“We have to do a urine test. I need to see the hCG level,” she said, pointing at the toilet door.

Okay, what the hell was hCG and why did I need a freaking urine test?! I was not sure but I did what she told me to do, anyway. After trying hard to fill my urine into the tube, I got out and waited for fifteen minutes for the result.

“So, how is it? Am I catching cold? Or food poisoning?” I asked the doctor impatiently. She scribbled something on a paper, then lifted up her head and smiled at me.

“No, you’re not sick, actually. You’re just pregnant.”

Hearing what she said felt like I was just sentenced to death. My jaw dropped instantly and I shrieked “What?!”.

“Tell me you’re kidding...” I muttered. The doctor shook her head firmly, as if she was offended that I had doubted her works.

“No, I’m serious. The test result has shown you’re positively five weeks pregnant.”

Blank faced, I stood up and walked outside. When I held the door knob, she gave me a sympathetic look and said,

“I hope you’ll make the right decision.”

I didn’t know. I was doomed. What was I going to do with this baby?

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