Chapter 7

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Joey, who was smoking while lying on the couch, raised his body up as he saw me coming out of my bedroom. There were empty beer cans scattered all around him. He looked like a hobo who had not taken a shower for ages. Disgusting.

“Where are you going?” he asked suspiciously, staring at my full loaded backpack. He might think I wanted to run away or something. If I was a mean sister, I would have done it long ago. Luckily I still had a heart. BIG HEART.

“Haven’t I told you? I’m doing a part time job as a nanny starting from today at Gemma’s.”

Joey blew the smoke into the air, and inhaled deeply. He knew Gemma; I introduced him to her when he once picked me up after I’d done my babysitting job at Gemma’s apartment. I soon regretted it because then Joey started to flirt and seduce her. What a fool! Of course Gemma did not pay attention to such a douche. She was an independent smart woman and had a daughter. I guessed Joey really did fall in love with her, though, because he was mourning for three days after Gemma had slapped him. Well, but Joey was still Joey. He immediately roamed about the clubs to find another stupid girl.

“No, you haven’t told me,” he said. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

“Well, I have. Last night when you were drunk with that anorexic girl in your arms.”

“Let’s assume you have. For how long?”

“About a month. I’m going to sleep in her house because I do the evening shift, but I might come home before I go there every after school.”

“What? Who’s going to cook my dinner?” Joey squealed.

“Hey, you’re a grown up already. Even Lola is more mature than you. Don’t worry; I’ve stuffed the fridge with frozen food, and just order from chinese restaurant sometimes. Okay, then. See you later!” I said as I slammed the door.

When I arrived at Gemma’s, the couple was already prepared to go to the airport. I was introduced to Mr. Wilson and Lucy, the other nanny Gemma had hired. Lucy was an old fat woman with a stiff face. She looked so scary and just let out a groan when we shook hands. I felt sorry for Lola; she had to spend the day with her, for heaven’s sake!

“Kelsey, here’s the key,” Gemma said as she handed over some duplicate keys to me. “Alex will show you around the house. Anyway, please keep an eye on him. Don’t let him hold a party or anything that can cause a chaos,” she said in a low voice, with her eyes nailed upon Alex who was sitting on the staircase.

“Don’t worry too much, Gemma. What disaster can a fourteen year-old boy possibly make?” I said, chuckling. Gemma sighed.

“I don’t know, Kels. I’ve been called by his principal twice this month. He’s a trouble maker...” she said. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Even if he was not friendly, Alex looked fine.

We hugged and said goodbye to each other, then the Wilson couple got into the taxi and sped away. Lucy was also gone soon after I was settled inside. Now there were only three of us: I, Lola, and Alex.

Lola clutched my shirt and told me she was hungry, so I let her watch Spongebob Squarepants and went straight to the kitchen to make her a bowl of porridge. When I entered, Alex was sitting on the window, eating cereal. He had spilled the milk on the table. I quickly grabbed a rag and cleaned it up.

“Alex, why are you eating cereal? This is evening. I was just going to ask what you want for dinner,” I said. He finished his last spoon and threw the bowl into the sink, causing me to flinch.

“Listen, Kelsey. You’re here for Lola, not me. I don’t need a nanny, so just leave me alone,” he said harshly and walked away. What? Dammit this boy was so annoying. I was just trying to be nice!

“Wait!” I called out. He stopped and turned around.


“Didn’t your mom tell? I’m also here to help you with your study. You’d better follow my order from now on or I’ll tell your parents about your behavior and you’ll be grounded.”

“You’re a snitch. You won’t do that.”

“Oh, watch me.”

I smirked, attempting to show him who the boss was. Alex glared at me and clenched his teeth, then left with a scoff. Gosh, this was going to be a long month.

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