Chapter 17

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 I had a feeling that Alex was up to something. Why did he suddenly forbid me to come? Was he going to hold a party in the house? But...Lucy was there too, wasn’t she? Well, she was very ignorant and did not give a damn at whatever Alex did, but still...he could not mess around if a nanny was in charge. I needed to find out this evening. His suspicious act distracted me that I could not concentrate at school today.

There was another thing that bugged me. In German class, I felt so uncomfortable because Nicholas kept staring from behind during the whole two hours. Every time I turned back and our eyes met, he immediately looked away. But I knew that when I drew my attention back to the teacher, he started to shoot me with that look again. It was kind of weird and gave me the creeps. When the bell rang, I quickly collected my books and walked out of the class, but Nicholas stopped me in the door with a huge grin. I wondered what he wanted.

“Hey, Kelsey, Greg told me that you were dating a little boy last night,” he said naughtily.

“Tell me, which one do you like most, kissing a hot girl or a junior high schooler?” he asked again, winking at me. What the hell was wrong with Nicholas? He really offended me.

“Of course, Greg always tells you everything,” I sneered. “Did he also tell you that I’m a bi? Oh, by the way, it’s none of your business. I have to go now. Goodbye.”

I waved my hand in front of his face and got out of there. I was annoyed that Nicholas wouldn’t stop teasing me.

“Kelsey, wait!” he called out. I pretended not hearing his voice and walked fast. I was startled when suddenly he seized my wrist, a little bit roughly too.

“What?” I asked, could not hide my surprise. He became nervous and said,

“I’m sorry, please don’t get mad. Don’t you know that...well, never mind.”

He blushed and turned around. Why was he acting so bizarre?

“Don’t I know about what?” I asked quickly before he could run away. Nicholas scratched his head and spoke shyly,

“Don’t you know that...guys tease the girl they like?”

I dropped my jaw as I heard what he just said. So, Nicholas teased me all this time because he liked me?!

“So...does it mean that...” I muttered. Nicholas nodded his head slightly. Oh, it was awkward.

“Do you have a plan tonight?” he asked, breaking the silence. Seeing me stunned, he added. “Yes, I’m asking you out.” At first, I was going to say yes, but then I remembered about Alex.

“Sorry, Nicholas. I have something to do after school,” I answered. He raised his eyebrows, looked surprised and disappointed at the same time.

“Hey, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t like you. I just really can’t. Maybe next time,” I said, showing him my most regretful face.

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