Chapter 14

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We had been looking for her all over the house with no result. I started to think that she was kidnapped, but there was no indication that the house had been robbed or entered by a stranger. No footprints or anything suspicious. Everything was normal and in its place, except Lola.  

“How is it?” I asked Alex, who just came down from the attic. He shook his head weakly. I sighed and slowly fell on my knee.

“We have to call the police.”

“Yeah right. They won’t respond before she has lost for 24 hours, so it’s no use to go to the police station now.”

“Then what should we do?”

I could not hold it anymore. Tears came down my face and I cried like a baby.

“Wait, what is that?” Alex said, looking around.


“Sssh...I heard something.”

We exchanged look and rushed into Alex’s room, the place where the sound came from. I tried hard not to stomp on his things which were sprawled on the floor. He was the nastiest guy ever. As far as I could remember, I had just cleaned everything up yesterday, and it looked like an earthquake had just happened in this place. Uh, never mind. Maybe I felt like this because of my OCD. I was obsessive to hygiene and living with my dirty brother Joey was like a torture for me.

“Lola!” I quickly hugged her when I saw her crouching under the bed. The little girl sobbed, clutching her toy. I was so glad that she was okay. It felt like I just found a treasure hidden in a cave or something. Alex exhaled in relief too. He approached us and put his arm around me.

“That’s weird. I’ve checked this place just five minutes ago and she wasn’t there...” Alex muttered.

“You must have missed this spot,” I said, cuddling Lola.

“Chelsi!...Chelsi...” said Lola, giggling.

“All this chaos makes me hungry.”

Alex rubbed his stomach. I was hungry too, so we decided to hit the nearest fast food restaurant. The only vehicle I had was my rotten motorcycle, and Alex was too young to drive. At first he insisted that he would ride us on his dad’s SUV, but I dragged him out of the car when I realized that this boy had not even had a license. So we went there on foot instead.

While we were waiting on the line, I saw Gregory Van Kilmer entered. I quickly spun around and hid my face. It seemed that Greg had not given up. He texted me romantic text messages, like, every morning and he even started to act freaky by making some creepy status about me on facebook. Didn’t he get it? I did not like him!

“Hey, are you okay?” Alex asked, staring at me with questioning look.

“I’m good. It’s just that there is a guy I hate behind us, so we’d better quicken our order and get out of here as soon as possible. Let’s just take the food home,” I said, pleading.

“No way. I’m too hungry. We’re gonna dine in. Period.”

Alex immediately ordered some burgers and cokes.

“Uh...that one?” Alex looked at Greg over my shoulder, pointing at him. Stupid kid!

“Don’t stare at him, you moron!” I yelled at Alex. Too late. Greg noticed my presence and a second later he already stood up next to me.

“Hi, Kels,” he greeted, grinning.

“Oh, hi,” I replied. Greg frowned when he saw Lola in my arms.

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