Chapter 11

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 I knew a lot of people with strange habits, and it was absolutely normal to have one. Or two. Or three. Or whatever. But what Alex did this morning was just so strange. Seriously, he almost gave me a heart attack.

At seven thirty, I approached him to tell that the breakfast was ready. I was stunned when I saw him in his room, facing the mirror. He was slapping his own face, literally, until his cheeks turned red. Even when he noticed my presence, the boy did not stop. I quickly jumped into him and grabbed his hands.

“Alex, what the heck?!” I shrieked in horror. A red thick blood was coming out of his nose.

“Get off me!”

He pushed me away, then started to hit his head into the wall.

“Stop hurting yourself!” I screamed and tried to stop him, keeping his hands off his face. We were struggling on the floor like two children who were fighting over a toy. Luckily I was older and more powerful than him, so finally I beat Alex, who was lying on his back desperately. He cried. Oh boy.

“Why are you doing this, for God’s sake!”

Only if you could see my expression at that time! I was very sure I looked so messed up with this freaked out face. Choking back sobs, Alex slowly tried to get up. I reached the tissue box from the end table and rubbed his bleeding nose. It needed a half an hour until he calmed down and started to speak.

“Tell me,” I said firmly, looking straight to his blue eyes, which now were wet and red.

“Because it hurts so well! Don’t you get it? I’m an emo. I slap myself whenever I feel bad about my sucks life!” he said emotionally. I could not believe my ears.

“What? Emo cuts, not slaps!” I shouted at him, and regretted what I said right away.

“Well, then, you want me to cut? Fine I’ll take the knife downstairs!” He said in threatening voice and stood up. I quickly got in his way.

“Don’” I hissed.

“I knew it all along, Kels...I knew it. But I didn’t do anything...” he spoke, his voice was shaking. I put my hands on his shoulders and forced him to sit down. I did not understand what he was talking about.

“You can share anything with me. I promise, I won’t spill it out to anybody,” I said. Alex stared at me for a quite long time, then exhaled.

“I had known their affair for a long time, but I never told mom nor talked to my dad. I could have assaulted him and prevented it to happen, but it’s too late. She committed suicide and those evils are now celebrating their love in Hawaii, above her death. That’s my fault...”

“It’s not your fault, Alex. Stop blaming yourself!” I yelled at him. I knew I should have not done that, he was currently in an unstable condition. I just could not help it. “Do you think your mom would be happy to see you like this, huh? Would she? Answer me, Alex!” I shouted with flaming eyes.


We turned our heads to the door. Lola was there and she looked afraid. I wondered whether she had seen the whole dramatic scenes between us. Oh, I hoped she had not. I was about to get to Lola, but Alex went before me. To my surprise, he hugged that little girl and whispered in her ear,

“I’m sorry...I’m sorry...”

It was the most touching thing I had ever witnessed in my life. Alex, who never cared about his stepsister, suddenly embraced her and did something like, it was just horrific, in a good way of course.

“Kelsey, stop crying. Look, you frighten Lola,” Alex said, grinning at me. I wiped my tears and punched his arm. Everything was going to be okay.

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