Part 43

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'Hey darling what's wrong?' She asked and hugged me tight
'Too much attention... it was so hard for lisa to understand this all and now it's her birthday and... again everyone is focused on me' I explained
'But she's okay with it.. she literally said it a million times today
She's so happy for you and Kall' carol answered
'Carol.. I know that she said it but I know that she's not.. she still love Kallen and she totally broke down when she heard that I'm pregnant..'
'That's why you wanted to abort-' she asked curious
'Yas..' I answered
'But luckily you didn't' she looked at me
'Ouh' I sobbed a bit
'You okay?' Carol asked a bit worried
'Yas it's just doing sports inside of me and kicked very hard' I answered
'Aww it's weird right?' She asked smiling
'Yas but I already know that feeling' I said and began to laugh again
'How many weeks are you?' She asked and sat down on my bed
'Tomorrow 22' I smiled and sat next to her
'What? It looks like probably 26' she answered
'Yaas I know it's growing fast then it's normal but it's okay'
'Do you know the gander?' She continue asking
'Noo but I'll know on Tuesday hopefully' I smiled
'Gooood I'll stay till next Sunday and I need to know if it's a boy or a girl' she smiled
'You can come with me if you want' I laughed
'Yaaas I really really want to' she answered
'Do you rather want a girl or a boy?' She asked again
'I really would like to have a girl but I don't mind.. The main thing is that it's healthy' I smiled and looked at her

Europe Change it - Book 4 'Am I good enough?' Katherine Cimorelli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now