Part 65

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'Kath? Did I say something wrong?' I asked quietly and a little worried. She still didn't answer. I turned on the light and looked at her. She looked at the wall. I looked over her body into her face. I touched her shoulder. She had tears in her eyes. I was so scared for a moment, because I thought she's not happy about my pregnancy.
'Ka... Katherine... What's wrong?? I thought you'd be happy about getting an aunt for another time...' I said and laid my head on her shoulder.
'Nooo... But it's just so freaking strange! Everyone is getting pregnant right now! It's waaay too much!' she turned around and my head fell down from her shoulder.
'Our family is growing... New generations will be born. We grew up together. We grew up with 9 another siblings Kath. Imagine we wouldn't have been sisters. We wouldn't be here right now. Generation for generation is another bond.' I wanted to hug her but she started shaking...'
'My daughter would be dead now without you...' she whispered.
'I'm so thankful to have you. I couldn't live without all my siblings.' I said but this time I just looked away. I waited for Katherine to look at me. She didn't for like 30 seconds. Then she came closer and did it. She hugged me tight and then she laid her hand on my belly
'It's Isabella's generation and I'm happy for her to get a little sister or brother. Then it would be like you and me. Isabella will be the big sister and she will protect her sis or her brother every day and every time. I'm sure because my big sister is her amazing Mom and my sister taught her this.' she whispered. I was so happy that she didn't scream. Well, maybe it was just the fact that she was too tired/too weak or she meant it. I couldn't tell it because in the next moment, she fell asleep. She laid her head on my legs. She wasn't the only one who got tired. I felt so tired since days and I didn't know why until now. I patted Katherines hair until I fell asleep too...

I dreamed about Lucy playing with Isabella and I sat next to them on a bench with a little baby in my arms. Suddenly, Isabella came next to me and wanted to see the baby. She whispered something...
'I won't leave you alone...' and then she smiled into my face.
I wondered where Katherine was and called Lucy. She came up to me and I asked her, but then I woke up.

Someone slammed the door. It was a doctor. He looked very stressed.
'What's wrong?' I whispered, because Katherine was still sleeping.
'The baby. It had air problems but we could fix it. It's breathing fine now. Well, by breathing fine I mean it's still breathing with the air machine, but I thought her mom should know it.' he said.
'Thank you' I said and he smiled, but also left. Suddenly I noticed that I felt something in my belly. I smiled to myself and fell asleep again.

Europe Change it - Book 4 'Am I good enough?' Katherine Cimorelli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now