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(Mabel's p.o.v)

After taking the shower, I opened the door in my towel with my wet clothes in my hand and I noticed that I was lost. Where is my cell at? I mean, I don't want to be there but I don't want to make Bill mad again...

I frantically searched around the grand mansion, looking for the dungeon, but I couldn't seem to find it. I decided to ask Bill himself, even if I'm uncomfortable around him...

"Bill!" I called.

Soon enough, Bill appeared before me. "Can I help you?" He smiled.

"Where's my cell? I'm lost." I asked.

"No need to go there anymore." Bill smiled, coming closer to me.

I'm going home!? "Why's that?"

He cupped his hand under my chin, making me blush. "You're having a room of your own now. You're going to be here for a while, so might as well make the best of it, right?"

Why is he so nice all of the sudden? You almost drown a girl and now you're giving her a room of her own? I just played along with it.

"That would be great. Thank you." I managed to smile.

He smiled back and stroked his hand through my wet hair. He snapped his fingers, making it dry.

"Thanks." I said again with a smile.

Bill smiled. "Go see your room and get dressed. I want to show you something."

"Ok?" I questioned. "Where's my room?"

Bill pointed to the right. "There. Right across from mine."

I blushed. Why did he put my room right next to his? "Ok, thanks."

I walked off into the room as Bill walked into his.

The room was fantastic! The walls were a hot pink color and the carpet was nice and fuzzy. My bed was huge! It was the size of my room basically! I went to the closet to find some new clothes. I grabbed a pink sweater with a star on it and a pair of yoga pants.

After I got dressed in these new clothes, I pulled my hair back to the side and then I took some socks, threw them on and tied my shoes and walked out into the hall. I went to Bill's door and timidly knocked on it. "Bill?"

The door opened and Bill stood before me in new clothes as well. He smiled at me. "Hello, Shooting Star."

I smiled back. "What did you want to show me."

"Follow me." Bill closed his door behind him, then he took my hand, making me blush.

We walked silently down the hall again, I was expecting the worse to come like it did earlier. But Bill seemed...relaxed. He smoothly walked with ease with a smile.

We arrived in front of a solo door at the end of the hallway. I looked at Bill in confusion.

"Open it." He smiled.

I was expecting the worse when I turned the knob. The door opened and inside was a huge arcade! There were games everywhere! I couldn't believe my eyes! This felt like heaven! If you haven't noticed, ever since Dipper hung out with Ford, I've been playing video games all day long...
(Bill's p.o.v)

For the first time since she got here, Shooting Star grinned. Her eyes sparkled and he mouth was wide open.

"Bill!" She called. "This is so cool!"

I smiled. "I knew you like video games."

Shooting Star looked at me. "How do you know that?"

I walked toward her. "I've been watching you and Pine Tree over the summer again. It's entertaining seeing you two fight."

Shooting Star looked away, ignoring her problems with Pine Tree. I knew I had to change the subject, she looked pretty uncomfortable...

I playfully pushed her. "Come on, Shooting Star, let's play  some games!"

She looked into my eyes and smiled. "Sounds great."

That entire afternoon we played nearly every game in the arcade. I've never seen Shooting Star so happy here. With me. Has she changed? I tried reading her mind but nothing popped out. Maybe I should make the move...No. Yes. No. Ugh...

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