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(Mabel's p.o.v)

That scumbag...I hate him. I hate him so much. I thought he loved me but I should've been smarter than that. I'm a gullible person and I should've known from the start that loving a demon is a bit deranged...

I look up from my chair and saw that Bill left. Then the door swung open and I see Ty coming near me.

His red eyes stared at me. "Hello."

"What do you want?" I spat.

"I'm just here to tell you that Bill actually did love you." He smiled.

"You're lying." I looked away.

He put his finger under my chin. "I'm not."

His stare gave me chills. "I'm telling the truth. He admitted it."

I looked into his eyes.

"The question is...do you love him?" He grinned.

I froze. What was the right choice? "No."

Ty walked around my chair. "I invaded Bill's mind...saw his memories...and I saw you two."

I looked down. I know what my fate was...

"You two had a connection." Ty looked at me in the eyes again.

I stared into his eyes. "Where is he?"

"In his room." Ty smiled. "He has a big headache..."

I couldn't speak...

"After seeing you and Bill it gave me a new feeling...." Ty grinned evilly. "Something I've never had before."

"What's that?" I said without thinking.

Ty leaned closer and closer to me, our lips barely touched. He sat on my lap, stroking my hair. I tried to escape but the chains around me kept me put...

"I'm going to give you a choice, girl." He softly said. "It's either me or death."

I didn't want to die...Bill will fix this I know he will. "Fine. I choose you..."

Ty smiled and kissed my lips hard. I closed my eyes tightly, trying not to feel. I could feel Ty's hand on my head. I want Bill! Where is he? Now this is torture...
(Dipper's p.o.v)

Where the heck am I? I'm assuming this is the dream realm...or I'm just asleep. But this all felt too real to be a dream. Mabel...I have to find Mabel.

"Mabel!?" I yelled. "Mabel!!"

Suddenly a door opener and out came..."Bill!"

He didn't look too good. "Pine Tree?"

"Where is my sister!?" I threw him against the wall. "What have you done to her?!"

"I'll show you where she is...just be careful of Ty!" Bill nervously said.

"Who's Ty?" I raised an eyebrow.

"My demon friend. He's probably torturing Mabel right now since I was unconscious..." Bill rubbed his eyes.

I let him go. "What are you talking about?"

"It's a long story. But I'm not the bad guy...Ty is! And he needs to be stopped!" Bill formed his hands into fists.

"Where is she!?" I demanded.

"Follow me." Bill gabbed my hand and snapped his fingers, making us appear in a cold room.

I saw the demon man from earlier...KISSING MY SISTER!?

"LET GO OF MY SISTER!" I yelled, charging after him.

"NO!" I heard Bill yell.

"Dipper?" I heard Mabel say.

Ty turned around and the next thing I knew I blacked out again..."Mabel..."
(Bills p.o.v)

"What are you doing!?" I yelled. "Why were you kissing her!?"

"I wanted to know what it felt like." He causally said.

Next thing I knew I punched him right in the nose.

"Bill!" Mabel squealed.

I waved my hand, releasing the chains off of her.

"Oh..." Ty snickered. "You just made the worst mistake..."
(Mabel's p.o.v, sorry I keep switching them XD)

Ty and Bill were beating each other up! I didn't know what to do...

"Shooting Star!" Bill said, punching Ty. "Grab Pine Tree and get out of here!"

"What about you?" I cried.

"I'll be okay! Just go!" He said.

I nodded and dragged my brother out of the room.

"Dipper" I gently tapped his face.

"Ughhh" He groaned. "What happened?"

This was a serious situation. It's life or death at this point... "We gotta get out of here. Now."

Forgiving Bill (MaBill)Where stories live. Discover now