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(Mabel's p.o.v)

"He let you go?" Dipper asked calmly. "Just like that?"

"Yep." I nodded.

"No deals? No tricks?" Dipper glared.

"He just let me go." I shrugged.

"That's odd..."


He gave me a cold stare. "It's Bill. You never know what's up his sleeve."

"He wasn't that bad, Dipper." I told the truth. "I thought he would be a lot worse."

"Tell me what happened."

I gulped. Lying time... "Well...he locked me in a cell." That part was true.

"I figured that..." Dipper sighed. "Did he...do bad things to you?"

I nodded and shivered. "He nearly drowned me because I almost slapped him."

Dipper hugged me tightly. "I promise I'll protect you from the monster. If it's the last thing I do."
(The next day, Bill's p.o.v)

Today. Today is when I have to kidnap Shooting Star. Ty is coming at 2:30 and if Shooting Star isn't in my custody, he's gonna blow...

I snapped my fingers to the Mystery Shack, where I saw my beloved Shooting Star sleeping peacefully.

I sat next to her and petted her hair. "Shooting Star...wake up."

She slowly opened her eyes, blinking them at me. "Bill!?"

"You're coming with me." I held her hand and snapped my fingers.

Before I left, I saw Pine Tree at the doorway with a tray of food. He dropped it making it shatter...
We arrived at the dream realm. Shooting Star got dizzy and sat on the ground.

Then I heard clapping around the corner. It was Ty of course. "Nice job, Bill!"

I nervously smiled. "Thanks bud."

"What are you gonna do to her?" He laughed.

Shooting Star gave me a confused look. "Bill, who's this?"

"This is my best buddy, Ty." I introduced.

"Come on Bill." Ty moved closer. "What are you gonna do to her?"

"What are you going to do to me?" Shooting Star nervously asked.

"First, I'm going to take you to your cell." I said.

"Cell?" She frowned.

I gave her a nervous look.

"Aw come on Bill...what's the matter with you?" Ty asked. "I've seen you do worse than that."

"What is going on!?" Shooting Star nearly yelled.

"Well my dear," Ty kneeled down to Shooting Star, "you've been kidnapped by the greatest demon ever. So you better be good to him if you wanna live."

"Kidnapped?" She glared at me.

"Let's go." I grabbed her hand.
(Mabel's p.o.v)

What the heck is going on?!

Bill dragged me back to the dungeon, his friend following us...I don't like this feeling...

My love tossed me in the cold, colorless cell I was in just a few days ago...

"Look at her face!" Ty laughed, putting his arm around Bill's shoulder. "She's so lost."

I knew Bill could read my mind so I thought "Bill what are you doing!?"

Bill only gave me a sad look...

"Let's go chat." Ty smiled to Bill.

Bills sad eyes went into mine as Ty locked my cell up once again....

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