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(Later that evening, Mabel's p.o.v)

We haven't seen each other all day...Where is he? What is he up to? He said he would protect me...and now he's disappeared. Did something happen to him? Oh my gosh...I'm scared.

"Bill!" I called. "Where are you?"

No reply.

"Bill?" I walked around the halls, hearing nothing but my own footsteps.

I sat on the ground, tieing my shoelaces. Then I rested my chin on my hand and sighed. I looked down, wishing Bill was here with me. But then I thought of Dipper for some odd reason...I-I miss him. I know we've been fighting all summer long but I miss him.

Then I remembered he chose his dumb journal over me. Why should I be with Dipper? I should make him feel guilty by staying here with Bill. I'd prefer to stay here with Bill anyway. He's not a bad guy anymore and he cares about me. At least I think he does? Where is he??
(Bill's p.o.v)

I haven't seen Shooting Star all day...I feel guilty...I decided to go check on her.

I flew to her room and knocked on the door. "Shooting Star?"

There was no reply.

I knocked again. "Shooting Star? You in there?"

I looked around the halls for my Shooting Star. I found her curled up in a ball, looking bored to death and nearly crying.

Her face lit up when she saw me walking to her. "Bill!"

She stood up and jumped on me, hugging me. "I thought something terrible happened to you!"

I hugged her back. "No, Shooting Star, I just have a lot on my mind at the moment."

She released her arms and stared into my eyes. "Are you ok?"

I held her hand. "Of course I am."

Shooting Star frowned. "You don't look to well."

"I don't?" I questioned.

She ruffled my hair and smiled. "You know what you need?"

I smiled back. "What?"

"You need an ice cream cone." Shooting Star giggled. "It'll make you feel better, I promise."

"I could use one." I smiled warmly. "Let's go."

I snapped my fingers, transporting us to the parlor downstairs. There were different kinds of ice cream everywhere. Shooting Star's mouth dropped at the sight, she was more excited than the video games.

"What flavor do you want?" I asked, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I'm usually just okay with chocolate but there's a million choices, Bill!" Her eyes twinkled.

"Did I make your decision a lot harder?" I smirked at her.

She looked at me with a smile. "You know what would be better than ice cream?"

I smiled down at her. "What is that?"

Shooting Star leaned closer to me, closing her eyes for a kiss...
(Mabel's p.o.v)

I closed my eyes, waiting for Bill's lips to touch mine. There was a slight hesitation, but I felt Bill's hand come behind my head and I felt his lips crash into mine.

It wasn't an...intense kiss...but it was a...a soft kiss. It was romantic. I smiled and looked into his eyes. Our lips drew apart and we got lost in each other's eyes...

Bill's face turned red. "Shooting Star..."

"Yes?" I stroked my fingers through his hair.

"I-I love you." He smiled.

I clutched his hand. "Me too."

Forgiving Bill (MaBill)Where stories live. Discover now