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(Later that day, Mabel's p.o.v)

I paced around my room, thinking what I could do to keep both my family and Bill...It's so hard to choose!

I thought of the good things about my family...Well, Dipper is my brother but we are constantly fighting. But Grunkle Stan gives me a home and keeps me safe...I also have Candy and Grenda and Wendy...ugh!! It's too hard!!

Let's see...Bill. Bill. Bill is a demon. He has all the power in the world and yet...he loves me. He protects me. He cares about me.

But who do I love more?? This is such a hard decision...
(Bill's p.o.v)

Shooting Star. I love you. I love you more than anything in the world...but you must go back to your family now...bad things are going to happen if we stay together...

I go to Shooting Star's bedroom and knock on the door.

Seconds later she answered it, her face looked nervous and confused. "I still need time!"

I shook my head, looking down. "You're going back to your family. Tonight."

Her face broke down, her eyes filled with tears. "What!? But...but I want to stay with you!"

I looked at her dull face. "You don't understand, Shooting Star. I'm a demon, and you're a human. If other demons find out they're going to do bad things...I can't take that risk. I love you."

She was speechless. She buried her face into my chest and bawled. "But I want to stay with you, Bill! I love you!"

I petted her hair to comfort her. "I do too...but I can't risk your life."

"Why would the demons want to hurt me? I haven't done anything wrong!" Shooting Star bawled.

I sighed. "Demons have no feelings, no mercy. They all hate humans. Their main goal is to scare them."

She looked up at me. Her face is red. "But you're a demon. And you haven't hurt me!"

We both stared at each other in silence, knowing I did hurt her...

"But you've changed!" Shooting Star cried. "Why can't they?"

"They don't understand the feeling of love, Shooting Star." I held her closer to me.

She pouted and nuzzled her head close to me. "I don't want to leave you..."

I put my hands on her head, hugging her close. "I don't want you to leave either...but if the demons find out, there's no hope...you're in our world. It isn't safe here."

She stayed silent and clutched my hand.

I deeply sighed and stayed silent as well, letting her think.

"What if you stayed with me in Gravity Falls?" She asked.

I shook my head. "A demon in the human world? Your uncle would kill me for everything I've done..."

"Well I'm never going to stay sane if you're not in my life." She cried.

"We can visit sometimes." I petted her hair. "We just have to be somewhere private."

She nodded. "When do I leave?"

I felt tears in my eyes as well. "Tonight. The demons are visiting me tonight."

I know Shooting Star wanted to fight back, but she only slowly nodded her head...
(Later that evening, Mabel's p.o.v)

Bill knocked on my door at 7:49. I opened it with a frown and hugged him...for the last time.

He hugged me back. "I will always be with you, Shooting Star."

I nodded and looked at him.

He gave me a kiss. "You must go now. The demons are coming at 8."

I gave him a quick kiss back. "Okay. I'm ready."

I let him go, waiting for him to snap his fingers.

He looked into my eyes. His...dull eyes. The twinkle diminished. He was just as upset as I was...

He snapped his fingers and I closed my eyes, blacking out. I opened them, and I saw Bill fading from my vision. I heard him whisper "I love you" before blacking out....

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