[.3] - swag

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1:27 am

yoongi: yo 

yoongi: why are you ignoring me 

yoongi: nothing is more important than replying to me

yoongi: i am the sun 

yoongi: i am swag 

yoongi: i am eternal 

2:11 am

taehyun: min yoongi wtf go to bed 

taehyun: i will tell your mother you're not asleep 

yoongi: you don't know my mom 

yoongi: swag knows no rules 

taehyun: looks like its time to message jin 

yoongi: wait no don't  

yoongi: i'm too young to die 

taehyun:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

2:56 am

yoongi: you actually told him 

yoongi: jin hyung actually came into my room and told me to go to bed 

yoongi: you're cruel 

yoongi: i thought i was your bias 

taehyun: goodnight yoongi 

yoongi: wait no i had a real question 

yoongi: i was going somewhere with this 

taehyun: what do you want you cinnamon roll 

yoongi: okay first of all, screw you 

yoongi: i am not a cinnamon roll 

yoongi: i am a rap god by the name of min suga

yoongi: korean rappers shiver at the sound of my name

yoongi: girls faint at the sound of my voice

3:24 am


yoongi: it's an important question !!!!!

yoongi: do dinosaurs get songs stuck in their heads 

yoongi: pls answer

taehyun: dinosaurs are extinct 

taehyun: just like your swag

taehyun: and apparently your brain cells

taehyun: goodnight yoongi

yoongi: why you gotta be so rude 

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