[2.2] - the plan pt.6.9

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t h e    d a t e    p t   2

to say that lunch was a huge success would be an understatement. by the end of their lunch date, yoongi could tell that taehyun was wrapped around his little finger so tightly. her eyes shined any time she looked at him, and his little touches left her as a blushing mess.

the pair finally left the cafe and thanked the owner for her kindness to their situation. 

"where are we going now?" taehyun questioned, glancing to the male that was slightly taller than her.

"it's a surprise, babydoll. if you use your brain, you could remember our conversation before." 

"you trying to fight, ya blonde bit-"

yoongi smirked at her through his face mask and paused with her on the sidewalk, placing a finger under her chin. "do you really want to do that, baby?"

he grinned, satisfied as he noticed the tops of her cheeks and ears turn red with a blush. he trailed the finger down the side of her neck and traced softly against the juncture of her neck and shoulder.


he finally removed his touch from her and moved back a bit, smiling to himself. "you're cute when you blush, tae."

she looked at him with wide eyes for a while longer before seeming to snap out of her trance and looking away in embarrassment. "l-lets get a move on."

he laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders casually, though his heart fluttered the slightest bit as he finally did it. "as you wish, your highness."

"sooo... you gonna tell me where we're going?"

yoongi glanced down at her and shook his head. "no."



"pretty please?"

he gulped, "...no..."

she pressed herself into his side, her hang finding its way gently to his chest as she softly whispered, "please... daddy?"

his the air seemed to leave his lungs as soon as he took his breath.

"we," he swallowed harshly, his mouth becoming suddenly dry, "we're going to the arcade, baby."

her eyes seemed to light up, and that sent his stomach to do cartwheels. 

"yes!' she cheered under her breath before looking up at him mischievously. "i can't wait to kick your ass."

it was like someone snapped their fingers, and things went back to normal in that moment. "pfffft, as if. if anyone here is getting their ass kicked, it's you."

"bet, you stupid bitch. i've never been beaten in a game before." she snickered at him, flipping her short blue locks back for dramatic effect.

"better prep for the worst continuous ass whooping in your life, then."

"can't be bad if you're the one doing it," she winked at him, "let's hurry this up so you can cry on my shoulder later."

- - -

yoongi actually ended up driving them to the arcade after they made their way back to his company to pick up the car for the day. taehyun was practically bouncing in her seat with excitement and it made yoongi smile.

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