[.9] - lunch

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taehyun: yoongi help me

whiny bitch: why

taehyun: a boy asked me out for lunch

whiny bitch: ew who

taehyun: hongbinnie

taehyun: as in vixx hongbin

taehyun: like the group whos dorm i'm at

whiny bitch: let me get this straight

whiny bitch: you never text me first

whiny bitch: and the first time you do

whiny bitch: its for help

whiny bitch: about a date

whiny bitch: with a boy?

taehyun: yes with a boy you fuckwagon

taehyun: did u expect me to go to lunch with a fucking alpaca

whiny bitch: but why hongbin

whiny bitch: you could just go with me instead

whiny bitch: because im worth it

taehyun: yeah ok lauren lopez

whiny bitch: who

taehyun: nothing

taehyun: are you gonna help me or not

whiny bitch: sure just let me change your name in my phone real quick

taehoe: to what?

whiny bitch: nothing important

taehoe: oooook....

whiny bitch: so did u say yes or no

taehoe: i haven't answered yet

taehoe: i'm at the dorm rn

taehoe: i asked you first

whiny bitch: i see

whiny bitch: say yes then ask if its formal or not

taehoe: ok

taehoe: he said it's not formal

taehoe: lunch at a little cafe then ice cream after

whiny bitch: oh.. lovely

taehoe: ok what do i wear

whiny bitch: what do you have in your wardrobe

taehoe: hold on i'll send a pic of what i'm wearing now

taehoe: *picture message*

whiny bitch: ok keep the iron maiden shirt

whiny bitch: put on black sunglasses on top of your head instead

whiny bitch: also

whiny bitch: change the red and black pants to those leathery skinnies you have

taehoe: why

whiny bitch: do u want my help or not

taehoe: yeah thats why i asked

whiny bitch: they make your butt look good ok

taehoe: ooooooooook

taehoe: done it

whiny bitch: now change the low rise shoes

whiny bitch: wear those black combat boots you have

taehoe: the dull ones or the shiny ones

whiny bitch: the hard black ones

taehoe: ok

whiny bitch: also, put on those rings that juancook gave you at lunch last week

taehoe: juancook?

whiny bitch: jungcook*

whiny bitch: jungcock**

whiny bitch: juancock***

whiny bitch: JUGNKOOK

whiny bitch: i give up

taehoe: lmao k

taehoe: *picture message*

whiny bitch: better

whiny bitch: where are u having lunch at again

taehoe: gong li's cafe why

whiny bitch: nothing

whiny bitch: when are u guys going

taehoe: at noon exactly

taehoe: why

whiny bitch: nothing

taehoe: oook...

whiny bitch: see you soon (;


Should I publish an actual chapter that's not text next of them at the cafe?

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