[1.7] - the plan pt.3

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5:14 am

yoongs: good morning tae

tae!: ayo wassup

yoongs: did you just quote wu yifan

tae!: yes tf i did

tae!: i love yifan

tae!: go best friend that's my best friend

yoongs: he's like... 7 years older than you tho

tae!: ok and you're like 5 years older than me 

tae!: what's your point

yoongs: ok fair enough smh

tae!: so why the early morning message

yoongs: i can't tell my fav girl gm?

tae!: gm?

tae!: great meat?

tae!: general motors?

tae!: green man?

tae!: gerard way?

yoongs: i don't know english but i know 'w' is not 'm'

tae!: a w is just an upside down m

yoongs: u right, u right

tae!: of course i am

tae!: i'm god

yoongs: satan*

tae!: don't tell anyone

6:39 am

yoongs: you have really nice legs

yoongs: not like, as nice as mine

yoongs: so don't get cocky

yoongs: but they're a close 2nd place

7:02 am

tae!: ...thank you???

yoongs: so you agree

yoongs: you think your legs are really nice

tae!: ok regina george i see u

tae!: i never took u for a basic bitch

yoongs: i am  the queen of basic bitches

7:29 am

yoongs: don't tell anyone i said that

yoongs: i have a reputation

yoongs: i am manly i promise

tae!: if u say so lmao

8:12 am

tae!: yoongs?

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