[2.0 - the plan pt. 6]

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6:00 am

yoongs~: hey babydoll

tae~: babydoll?

yoongs~: am i not allowed to give my girl a pet name?

tae~: your girl?

yoongs~: yes? do you not like it?

yoongs~: i'll stop if ur uncomfy

yoongs~: i'd never want to make you feel weird

tae~: stop that

tae~: i love it

tae~: i'm your lil babydoll

yoongs~: (':

yoongs~: i'm really glad u like it sweetpea

tae~: please, yoongs

tae~: my heart cant handle this cute shit

tae~: whats gotten into u lately

tae~: you cute lil sappy fuck

yoongs~: idk i caught some virus named kim taehyun

yoongs~: it just like

yoongs~: wormed its way into my cold, dead heart

tae~: i fucking hate you stop being so cute

tae~: what are you doing today?

yoongs~: i like you too baby

yoongs~: nothing, actually. free day. you?

tae~: same here

yoongs~: do you... wanna go out later?

yoongs~: just us. no members. no managers. just us.

tae~: are u asking me on a date?

yoongs~: if i am?

tae~: if u are, i gladly accept

yoongs~: go on a date with me, babydoll?

tae~: id love to, snow angel

yoongs~: snow angel?

tae~: yes. snow angel. my pale god, min yoongi

tae~: my prince shining in the moonlight

yoongs~: baby stop, youre giving my heart a boner

tae~: you ruined the moment assfuck

yoongs~: i can give you a moment youll never forget later

yoongs~: if youll let me 

tae~: wow i'm about to date a pervert

yoongs~: ohoho

yoongs~: so you admit you plan on dating me?

tae~: fuck off 

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