[2.1] - the plan pt.6.5

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T H E    D A T E

"hey ugly." taehyun grinned slyly at the blonde boy before her. they both wore casual clothes, covered with hoodies and masks; they really didn't want to get caught.

"ugly? i am a god, kim taehyun."

"sounds fake, but okay." she rolled her eyes and closed the door to her dorm behind her, making sure to be extra quiet.

"do... do your members not know you're leaving?"

"mmm." she shook her head before shrugging. "i prefer it this way. some... i think some of them would get angry. one, i think, might start something about it, even if we're just hanging out."

"i see," yoongi frowned before bringing a hand up to pat her head as they continued their walk. "it's no problem, babydoll. worst comes to, just come to my company."

taehyun glanced at him in alarm before pushing her sunglasses up. "it better not come to that, or i'm cutting a bitch. real life, no games."

"shut the fuck up taehyun you're like six."

"six inches deep in your mom." she countered.

"you've been fucking jin?" 

they paused.

taehyun snickered before walking again, "you're dumb. i hate you."

"sure you do, tae. sure you do."

"where are we even going?" she hummed, inching slowly closer to him during their walk, trying to be slick.

"i, uh," he coughed conspicuously, turning away from her with a soft pink dusting his cheeks, "i actually called ahead and reserved a cafe for us for a couple of hours. i hope you don't mind."

"that is.. oddly romantic. alright, snow bunny, lead the way."

"that sounds so fucking weird." he snorted, casually tossing his arm around her shoulders. it was all he could really do while they were still at risk in public like they were.

"quit your cursing you stupid bitch. there are kids walking on this street." taehyun swatted at his side gently, subtly gesturing to an elderly man leaning against the side of a building.

"way to be a hypocrite." he huffed, looking away from her with a roll of his eyes.

"shut the fuck up." she was grinning under her mask, though he couldn't tell.

soon enough, they reached the cafe and entered. the owner looked up and smiled brightly, gesturing them forward. another worker locked up the door for them and they were lead to a more secluded room towards the back.

they were given menus and told the waiter would be back in a few minutes while they decided on drinks.

taehyun finally pulled her hood down, took her had off, slid off her mask, and put her glasses away in her bag. 

yoongi's breath caught in his throat as he looked at her. the blue of her hair was starting to fade, her roots were growing out with their natural inky black colour, and her red painted lips were pulled into a soft smile as she brushed her hair behind her ear.

she looked up and their eyes connected. his heart thudded against his chest, so loud he was surprised she couldn't hear it. if she could, she didn't mention it.

she was absolutely breathtaking to him. she was so damn cute. so-

"why are you staring at me like that? do i have something on my face?" she brought a hand up to her face and began feeling it for something.

"you're an idiot." he snorted at her, moving to take off his own extras.

taehyun blinked, admiring the blonde before her. he even looked good in casual clothes. mouth watering.

"you look like a whole god damn meal, min yoongi."

"cannibalism is illegal you absolute heathen. i am disgusted."

just as taehyun opened her mouth to respond, the curtain was drawn back and their waiter returned.

"what can i get you two to drink?" his smile was pleasant and his eyes kept lingering on yoongi; both of them noticed it.

taehyun gestured for yoongi to order first while she looked quickly through the drinks.

"i'll take the double chocolate cappuccino, please." yoongi requested politely, barely glancing up at the waiter.

taehyun chuckled softly.

"i'll have the raspberry rose tea, please." taehyun ordered softly, finally looking back up.

"would you like it hot or iced?"

"hot, please."

the waited nodded and took down their orders before letting them know he would return soon and leaving.

"i think he thinks you're cute."

"why?" yoongi asked, his eyebrows drawing together with his confused expression.

"he kept staring at you."

"you stare at me, though."

"exactly." she rolled her eyes and leaned her face into her pal mas she looked at him, "i know how i look at you, snow angel. he had the same dopey look on his face that i get on mine."

"are you saying you like me?" he smirked at her, mimicking her position. "oho, a direct confession?"

"i'm dumping you." taehyun said bluntly, staring him dead in the eyes. "before we can even date, i'm dumping you."

"taehyunnie!" yoongi whined, "it was a joke!"

she cracked a smile and casually set her free hand on the table, hoping he would take the hint. "i know."

yoongi glanced at her hand for a moment and her heart skipped a beat, thinking he took the bait. 

"you need to get your nails filled soon. they look dusty."




"you look dusty you dumb mother fucker." she pursed her lips.

"aww baby, don't give me that look. you know i still think you're adorable, no matter how fucked up your nails are." yoongi cooed at her, raising his hand to brush her loose strands of hair behind her ear.

his touch left her with goosebumps.

"for a self-proclaimed genius, you really are an idiot, yoongi." taehyun laughed softly and reached her free hand up to grab his as it left her face.

the look he gave her was confused, "why?"

"just shut up and hold my hand." she hummed, glancing at their joined hands between them.

his lips made a little 'o'. "whatever you request, your highness."

"that's more like it." she grinned. 

their waiter came back with their drinks and neither of them made any move to release their hands, only giving the waiter a smile and a 'thank you'. his eyes trailed over their hands for a moment and he smiled slyly before looking at them.

"can i just say that i think you two are an extremely cute couple?"

taehyun blushed scarlet, "oh, um, we aren't-"

"thank you." yoongi gave the waiter a gummy smile that had taehyun melting. this cute son of a bitch.

"no problem! i will totally support you two. fighting!"

he turned to leave but paused and turned back around, obviously embarrassed.

"i am so sorry. what can i get you two to eat?"

taehyun laughed.

yoongi's eyes twinkled as he listened to her, finding his new favourite sound.

his heart ached at the woman before him.

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