[.8] - anticlimatic

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1:32 am

sugar: hey

taehyun: hi

sugar: you know what i realized

taehyun: what

sugar: i always text you first

sugar: you know

sugar: most girls would jump on an given opportunity to text their bias

taehyun: okay, and

taehyun: what's your point

sugar: i think i actually hate you oops

taehyun: okay, and  ?????

sugar: god damn it be a girl and get mad at me for no reason

sugar: it's like you're not even a female

sugar: like all of the other girls ive met

taehyun: okay, and????

sugar: i'm changing your name in my phone

taehyun: to what

sugar: guess

taehyun: idk nothing

sugar: youre right bc i didn't change it

sugar: i can't think of anything t change it to

sugar: you're very unimpressionable

taehyun: ouch

taehyun: hit me where it hurts

sugar: don't act like you don't love it

message failed to send!



sugar: well

sugar: but honestly

sugar: you're not like other girls

sugar: you don't wear skirts of heels

sugar: you don't wear crop tops

sugar: except that one time @ the mall w got7

sugar: you barely wear shorts

sugar: you probably don't even own a bathing suit

sugar: i've never seen you flirt with anyone

sugar: you don't listen to very many sappy love songs

sugar: from what i can tell

taehyun: honestly yoongi

taehyun: when have i ever been like
any other girls

taehyun: honestly, in the time that
you've known me

taehyun: when have i or anyone else

taehyun: told u that i am like other girls

taehyun: so what if i don't wear heels 

taehyun: or shorts, crop tops, or flirt

taehyun: fuck sappy music

taehyun: im me ok so take it and like it

taehyun: or leave

taehyun: bias or not

sugar: i think i just shed a tear

sugar: i actually love you

sugar: collab with me

sugar: lets write a song called 'i'm me'

taehyun: it's late.

taehyun: i'll talk to you tomorrow

taehyun: whiny bitch

taehyun: :')

sugar: that's whiny bitch oppa to you

taehyun: lmao k. deja vu.

whiny bitch: don't you mean it's early?

taehyun: fuck off

whiny bitch: rude

taehyun: (⌐■_■)

first update of 2016. happy new year to all of you.

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