[1.1] - ship

7.3K 395 193

12:46 pm

shitbag: tae

shitbag: it's been 3 days

shitbag: pls stop ignoring me 

1:57 pm

shitbag: how long do u plan on keeping this up

shitbag: i'm sorry, okay?

shitbag: even tho idk what i did wrong

shitbag: why are you mad at me :(

shitbag: taehyun please

shitbag: tae..

2:39 pm

shitbag: tae seriously wtf

shitbag: im worried about you

shitbag: is it actually you

shitbag: are you even still alive

shitbag: how do i know it's you reading these

shitbag: give me proof its u

shitbag: hello???

shitbag: kim taehyun???

3:00 pm

shitbag: i miss you

shitbag: i ship us

shitbag: i miss our ship

shitbag: "yoontae"

shitbag: "taeyoon"

shitbag: "yoonhyun"

shitbag: "hyungi"

shitbag: the ship was so close to sailing :(

3:33 pm

shitbag: please tell me what i did wrong

shitbag: idk wtf i actually did wrong

shitbag: saved your life from kissing his crusty ass thats for sure

shitbag: you shouldnt be mad at me for that

4:11 pm

shitbag: i realize that wasn't the smartest thing to say to someone who is mad at me

shitbag: i apologize

shitbag: i guess

shitbag: i just want you to reply

4:48 pm

shitbag: i s2g im getting pissed off

shitbag: i didn't fucking do anything for you to be mad at

shitbag: if you want to act like this then fine

shitbag: we're done

5:04 pm

princess: are you fucking serious

princess: first of all

princess: we had to have started to be done

princess: second of all

princess: min yoongi i cannot believe you

shitbag: omg you replied

shitbag: i missed you

princess: you can take that emotion of missing me

princess: and shove it so far up your ass

princess: that your doctor

princess: thinks you have prostate problems

shitbag: i love it when you talk dirty to me

princess: only dirty is u

princess: bc youre fuckin filthy

princess: i fucking hate you

princess: leave me alone 

shitbag: tae please don't be like this..

princess: piss off before i say something i'll regret

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