[.5] - omgt

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12:11 pm
: so i heard you're gonna be modeling in a mv

yoongi: why didn't you tell me

yoongi: i thought I was your bias??? I deserve to know???

yoongi: betrayal

12:55 pm

taehyun: omg

taehyun: where did you hear that

taehyun: wait nvm just saw the article

yoongi: it's just short pics of you tho??? 

yoongi: like you're acting as a model as an actress???

yoongi:  you're just going to be on posters & clips of clips???

yoongi: omgt is what it's called right

taehyun: yeah

yoongi: brb dance practice

yoongi: gotta blast

2:56 pm
: [image attached] (image above)

yoongi: — Jimin xoxo

taehyun: wtf he's not my boyfriend

taehyun: my boyfriend is way hotter

taehyun: get your shit together jimin

yoongi: wow yoongi was right -Ji

yoongi: you are sassy smh -Ji

yoongi: wait, you think yoongi is hot? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Ji

taehyun: ooook????


taehyun: what no

taehyun: what dumb ass shit is that

taehyun: jimin i can't have a boyfriend

taehyun: i havent even debuted yet

taehyun: wtf hop off that dumb shit

taehyun: you should know better smh

yoongi: so you don't have a boyfriend? -Ji

taehyun: i am disappointed in you

taehyun: i literally just said i dont have a boyfriend

taehyun: no wonder they call you jamless

yoongi: (╮°-°)╮┳━━┳ ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻

yoongi: (╮°-°)╮┳━━┳ ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻
yoongi: (╮°-°)╮┳━━┳ ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻

yoongi: i love you because of yoongi, tae, and jungkook

yoongi: but i'm going to have to kill you now

yoongi: (ಠ_ಠ)

yoongi - Jimin

taehyun: welp

taehyun: gotta blast ⁽⁽◝( • ω • )◜⁾⁾

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