[1.0] - cafe

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[inspiration for this chapter was brought to you by the song 'irresistible' by fall out boy bc the like 1st 800 words were written while i listened to it]

"chill, kim taehyun." taehyun told herself, looking at herself in the mirror of her shared room with leo and n. "it's just a boy. you don't even like him."

"damn it, why am i even getting nervous? it's not even a date." she exclaimed, grabbing her phone from her charger and stuffing it in her pocket along with her wallet and earbuds.

"it's just because he's famous, that's all. it must be it."

she sighed and walked into the bathroom of the boys' dorm, walked to the large bathroom counter, and opened the drawer on the top right corner.

she pulled the drawer out all the way, and pulled her makeup bag from the very back. the top two drawers on the both the right and left sides of the counter were completely dedicated to makeup supplies, as she had found out. 

apparently the boys got bored sometimes and would do each others' makeup just for the hell of it.

she tsked and closed the drawer, then sat the bag on the counter, before lifting herself up onto it. after checking to make sure that the inside of the sink wasn't wet, she sat her bootless feet into the sink.

fear not, for she wore socks; the got7 print ones that said boys had gotten for her when she still stayed at their dorm. 

good times, good times.

she fixed her shirt and crossed her feet at her ankles, then sat her chin on her knees and rested her free arm around her knees.

she then took her phone from her pocket and opened the snapchat app, taking a few selfies and saving them, and adding them to her story, and sending them to a few friends with random captions like 'i fucking love sinks' and 'why are my clothes so dark', and her personal favourite, 'i could be eating right now'.

after picking one she liked the most, she went to instagram and chose the picture, applying a simple filter, and tagged the got7 boys as their spots on her socks, then chose a second picture and uploaded that as well.

1stmeat.cleaver: " 완전히이 양말에 불이 점점. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~~ "

[lmao using my own insta username bc don't want to use some actual person's
pretend she's not wearing makeup lmaO]

(TRANS: "getting totally lit in these socks. kekekeke")



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meat.cleaver: " 빈 빈 아이스크림 날짜 ~  의 재미를 보자 ~ "

[TRANS: "ice cream date with bin bin~ let's have fun~"

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