[2.3] - the plan, finale

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taehyun smirked up at him and grabbed a pillow from the couch and pressed it to yoongi's lap before she finally stood, a knowing look on her face as she glanced down at her boy.

"now," she turned to the rest of the boys who looked at her in astonishment. "what's for dinner?"

"holy shit, girls are fucking terrifying." jimin breathed out.

"yes, we are." taehyun smiled at him as if everything was was perfectly normal. she turned her quick gaze to seokjin and snapped her fingers, "jinnie oppa, can we cook the meal together?"

seokjin blinked a few times, startled at the girl's sudden request. he stood up after a moments pause and looked at everyone else in the group with a smug look.

"at least taehyun offers to help me cook. that's why she's my favourite."



"now wait just a minute-"

"you're joking.."


"this is some bullshit."

taehyun laughed and offered her hand up for a high five that jin easily returned and the pair grinned at each other smoothly. jin slung his arm around tae's shoulders and gave the remaining 6 boys a narrow look. 

"don't ruin the place while we're busy, or taetae and i are kicking your asses."

taehyun snorted and started towards the kitchen area with jin, slapping his arm in amusement as they went.

"you tell em, shoulders-oppa!"

at that, jimin and taehyung started cracking up, the other boys just chuckling.

"yah, she still doesn't call me oppa." yoongi stated indignantly, pouting ever so slightly.

"don't worry, hyung. i'm sure it will come along soon." hoseok assured the older boy with a bright grin.

namjoon wiggled his eyebrows, "with the way things sound, based off of her calling you her 'pale god', i'd say things are going much, much better than the 'oppa' phase."

yoongi mumbled something under his breath that had jungkook squinting at him.

"what did you say, hyung?"

"i said..." he trailed off before groaning, "she calls minseok 'oppa' still."

taehyung grinned obliviously, "yeah! his name in her phone is 'daddy'!"

that made yoongi's expression darken even more and jungkook pinched tae's thigh in warning. hissing out a low 'hyung, shut up!'

"i'm aware." yoongi gritted out with a scowl, biting his bottom lip in thought. "i won't lie, it makes me jealous."

"how jealous?" jungkook questioned silkily, loving to stir the pot.

"very." yoongi replied, sharp eyes finding the maknae in seconds.

"angrier than when you found out that wen junhui from seventeen kissed her all those weeks ago at their school performance?"


"angrier than when you thought she was kissing hongbin?"


taehyung caught onto jungkook's idea and decided to help stir the pot while namjoon and hoseok looked on knowingly.

"angrier than when zico sunbaenim posted this picture of her asleep in his bed to insta?"

"....nope, i think that definitely tops my list." yoongi admitted, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. "i nearly had a stroke when i saw the picture."

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