[A/N: florida bound]

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Okay so

Tomorrow (like a few hours from now tbh)
I'll be catching a flight to Florida

So I probably won't have a lot of time to update like I had planned to bc I'll be kinda busy like at the beach and other places like that

bUT I'll try to gather inspiration for the next few chapters okkk

BUT I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not neglecting the stories at all!!! I'm actually taking my laptop so I can try to write whenever I'm free, and in between doing homework and being out without Wi-Fi

So yeah.

Wish me luck, hope I run into some hot celebrities who fall in love w me i guess thank u

Also pls hope I don't burn to death I'm gonna be walking around universal studios and I do not leave my room often rip.

Thank you all for understanding 💕

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