[.6] - babe

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taehyun: omfg

yoongi: omg so I heard something

taehyun: sugarless whatever you heard isn't important

taehyun: he kissed me oh my god

taehyun: and he still thinks i'm a guy

taehyun: what do i do

yoongi: okay first of all

yoongi: fuck out of here with that 'sugarless' and 'unimportant' shit

yoongi: bc i am swag

yoongi: i have lots of sugar

yoongi: and by sugar i mean money haha fuck bitches get money am i right

yoongi: also

yoongi: i am really damn important

taehyun: rude wtf

yoongi: and for my conclusion

yoongi: that's what i heard

yoongi: my son told me that whatshisface kissed you

yoongi: is that true

taehyun: your son?

taehyun: you have a son????

yoongi: my son is woozi. you know jihoon

yoongi: he's yours too wtf 

taehyun: min yoongi are you hitting on me

yoongi: that's not the point

yoongi: do you need me to whoop his ass

yoongi: i'll be on his ass like peanut butter to jelly

yoongi: like butter on toast

yoongi: i'll slice that bitch up like jin hyung slices onions

yoongi: roast a fucker like a rotisserie chicken

yoongi: i'll smack that bitch into next year

yoongi: like surprise motherfucker its me

taehyun: min yoongi what the fuck

yoongi: i just got one question for you

taehyun: what are those?

yoongi: nah babe

taehyun: did you just call me babe

yoongi: that's not the point

yoongi: what's the bitches name again?

taehyun: .... 

taehyun: you don't know the name of the person you're pissed at?

taehyun: how do you not know

taehyun: why do you even want to know

yoongi: need to know whose name to write on the wall in blood

yoongi: duh

taehyun: kinky

yoongi: are you going to tell me 

yoongi: or am i gonna have to become a hacker

yoongi: i got people babe

yoongi: test me rn

yoongi: i'll smack a bitch for touching you

taehyun: did you call me babe again

taehyun: wow min yoongi

taehyun: how possessive of you

taehyun: are you, perhaps

taehyun: falling in love with me

taehyun: (;

yoongi: yes

message not delivered!

yoongi: nah .

yoongi: gotta go find this bitch

yoongi: if you see blood on the walls it wasn't me

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