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No one had ever heard Kirstie Maldonado scream as loud as she just had.
Scott looked down at her with his arms crossed, a mischievous smile
playing on his face.
"What?" He sneered.
"It's a movie night Kirst. No need to overreact. You do it with me all the time."
"Yeah, but he's straight!!"
Scott wasn't sure if he should take insult at that, so he chose not to make a face.
"What, heterophobic all of a sudden?"
"No, but I AM taken!" She said with a pointed glare.
She wasn't done yet.
"And he just so happens to LIKE me!"
"He'll be very upset to know he was that obvious."
Kirstie stomped her foot.
"Stop messing around! I'm being serious, Scott!!"
He sighed and shook his head, gripping her by the shoulders and taking a step back in case she decided to impromptu claw out his eyes.
"Listen, Kit, you're acting like a 5 year old. Mitch and I thought it would be interesting-"
And kind of funny, he thought to himself
"-to see how you and Avi would react if we told y'all that you-"
"This isn't a date." Kirstie huffed immediately after she opened the door.
"Well that's a pleasant greeting." Avi grinned as he slid off his jacket.
"Don't worry." He said, throwing up his hands as she threatened mentally to strangle him with her bare hands.
"I know what happened. I could hear the screaming from two floors down."
She pushed back a rouge strand of hair from her face and crossed her arms, eyebrows creased.
"I can't tell who you're upset with, honestly." He said, inviting himself in and closing the door behind him.
"Jeremy isn't home?"
"No." She said snappily. "I had to forcefully shove him outside because he wouldn't stop warning me about cheating. As if I would ever think about doing anything romantic with anyone but him. I'm faithful, I'm good, I know what's right and wrong..."
He let her go on her tangent, dumping his things on the counter and jumping onto the sofa where he grabbed the remote and switched on the TV.
"...He knows what kind of person I- What are you doing?"
"Look, I get that you don't want me here, but I feel like the boys-"
"Girls." She corrected, hands dropping to her sides.
"Sorry- girls won't leave us alone until we get this movie night over with."
Kirstie sighed in resignation because it was something she knew all too well. The lesson that Mitch had been teaching her since they were 14 held true: What the Queen wants, the Queen will get.
"I hate them."
"I know. I saw Scott's scratch marks and you sent Mitch to the ER with that knife."
"It was his finger, Avi. And we were in the KITCHEN."
"That's no excuse to try and attack him. You're lucky he's your friend- you could go to court for this. That, and you nearly gave Scott a heart attack when he walked in the room and saw his blood on your face and a butchers knife in your hand. Remind me never to make you up-"
"Just change the channel to HBO already."
The digital clock on the table read 3:47 am.
They might have gotten a little carried away with their movies.
Avi's eyes widened as he glanced at it, his voice rough from disuse. The last time he spoke was about 2 hours ago when the movie had started.
"What time is Jeremy getting back?"
"Tomorrow..." A sleepy Kirstie yawned. "Possibly in 3 hours..."
"Oh. Then I should probably get going."
He started to stand up.
"Thanks for th-"
"Stay here..." She mewled, half asleep.
She sat up, rubbing her eyes, hair straight because she had curled it earlier that evening and the effect was wearing off.
"I said stay here. I don't like sleeping alone. You're a nice pillow."
The movie credits blared in the background, forgotten.
"Well this is a departure from the 'get out' I received when you opened the door."
She laughed drowsily, her teeth gleaming in the dim light.
Avi noted how odd it was that he noticed that of all things beautiful about her.
"I didn't say 'get out'!"
"You implied it, though."
He couldn't help but smile back at her. Her positivity was radiant and every aspect of her seemed to glow with happiness.
She then grabbed his arm and forced him back into a seated position, stretching out then curling up onto his lap.
A soft, low chuckle escaped him at that moment.
"What's your boyfriend going to think when he finds us like this, eh, faithful one?"
She slapped a limp hand over his mouth, silencing him.
"Let him think what he will. I'm sleeping on my friend's lap." She murmured into her sweater sleeves.
"We're not making out. And don't call me that."
"Fine." He said with an eye roll.
"Goodnight, Kirstie."
"Night Avi..."

"Do you feel okay?" Scott said worriedly, rubbing his hand over the back of his best friend.
Mitch was gingerly holding his middle finger which was in a cast.
"Well, no, my best friend committed attempted murder on me and my boyfriend then sent me to the ER to get stitches. And I can't flip people off for another 2 weeks."
"Boyfriend? I thought she just got you and me?" Scott mused aloud, looking at the red scratch marks from Kirstie's nails stretching the length of both his forearms.
Mitch then playfully slapped him on the back of the head.
"I was talking about you, you dork."
He shook his head.
"Now kiss me."
"We're in public, Mitchie."
He shrugged in response.
"Since when did we care?"
Then the Baritone and the Counter-Tenor of Pentatonix shared a quiet, pained, and meaningful kiss in the echoing and empty parking lot of a hospital.

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