Fool: BONUS And A/N

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They had taken quite the beating.
After Esther nearly passed out from laughing, they had to cancel the show of the night.
Esther in hysterics aside, they only had one color of hair dye, and it wasn't technically hair dye. It was bleach, and it was for Kirstie.
It just so happened that they ran out.
In other words, they had to wait it out until they could find more.
(Hair dye, that is. And bleach too.)
Kirstie leaned against the door frame of her dressing room with a grimace, twisting a strand of her garish pink hair around her finger.
It was silky smooth as always, but it had lost some of it's volume in the fight. She made mental reminder to use a bit more shampoo than usual that night.
As she was halfway through the reminder a hand landed on her shoulder, causing her to flinch. At first she assumed Mitch, so she turned to snarl at him, but it was Avi who had startled her, putting his hands up in surrender so she could see that he wasn't holding anything.
(And also so she couldn't bite his hands off.)
"Woah, it's just me, pinky." He rumbled, Kirstie breaking out into a grin.
"I'm fully aware, old man." She snickered, pointing at his hair which was a dull light grey.
He felt his cheeks grow warm, although he wasn't too sure why. He put his arm back around her shoulder.
(When one has a crush, one must try to make as much contact as possible.)
She looked up and touched his face lightly with her hand, cocking her head ever so slightly so to look particularly interested in examining his face.
(Avi learned the hard way that Kirstin Maldonado was a master at subtle flirting.)
All it did was make his blush grow furiously, eyes widening and boring into hers nervously.
She gaped at him, smile playing on her lips.
"Are you blushing?? Did I make Avi Kaplan blush??"
"Shut up..." He mumbled, low voice vibrating.
"I have pink hair and I still have my magic touch? Really??"
"I said shut up, Kirstie." He snapped, but the smile and the painfully obvious red dusted across his face made it clear that he was joking. She pouted and played along.
"Aww... But you brought up my self esteem, old man!"
They stood there for a while, just leaning on the doorframe to her dressing room, his arm around her shoulders, her leaning on him and holding his arm with dainty fingers, both blissful.
Then Mitch's voice rang out very clearly down the hallway.
"You two, I don't know or want to know what you're doing, but the managers need to see the damage I've done."
Followed by a murmured:
"But I'm pretty sure they just want to laugh at us..."
And a:
"Speak for yourself- I'm sporting electric blue." From Scott.
They walked back and he flipped her hair.
"Pinky." He said fondly.
"Old man." She laughed.
(The whole incident later inspired their
album cover.)

Author's note:
Back to school, so update flow is going to be shaky.
I'm also low on ideas for the PTX canon, so I might be posting more AU. If you want canon, then please feel free to suggest!

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