Your Color AU

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It's not even funny, how much he loves her.
How much he wants her to be happy and how her smile lights up his morning, his afternoon, his night.
How she would glow in the pale moonlight when they stole away, out onto the balcony at 3 am because one of them couldn't sleep.
How her eyes glittered in just the right lighting, wether it be in the dining hall or in the ballroom while she twirled elegantly, latching onto the arm of some suitor she really didn't have any interest in, but wanted to toy with for a night.
(Her favorite one was Prince Mitchell because he didn't seem to mind her at all. As she found out later when she caught him flirting with a tall blond, he wasn't exactly into women.)
How she would nervously exit her wardrobe, wearing a flowing gown that made her look like a Greek goddess with her wavy hair done up in the perfect way and her tiara perched carefully atop her head, a coy smile tugging playfully at her lips and how she would spin for him and ask him if she looked alright.
His response was always the same.
"More than alright, lovely."
How she would cling onto his arm and claim him as her own when greeting guests as they entered and marveled at the splendor in which she lived.
Because she was perfect in every way.
He stepped out of the throne room, wiping his hands free of nervous sweat on his pants and shaking his head to regain his calm.
She waited coolly outside.
"There he is." She smiled. "My handsome Prince Avriel."
"Don't call me that." He scoffed, feigning disgust as they made their way down the long, winding halls of the castle.
"And I can't even receive a proper greeting in return?" She coughed in play offense, crossing her arms and turning away from him, nose pointed to the air haughtily.
He chuckled, taking her delicate gloved hand and bowing, bringing it to his lips.
"Her majesty, Princess Kirstin." He mumbled.
She grinned again, a rosy pink dusting her cheeks.
"You may stand."
They continued walking.
"And where are you bringing us tonight?" He inquired, cocking his head to the side to emphasize.
"Away, of course. Perhaps to the flower beds."
"Your father dislikes us sneaking out."
"I'm fully aware." She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to him with dramatic flourish.
"However, the king cannot punish me for what he doesn't know."
She resumed.
He shook his head.
"Your recklessness will be the cause of our untimely demise, your highness."
"I honestly doubt that." She shot back in confidence.
They made a left turn when they met a fork in the walkway, passing through the large wooden doors, crest emblazoned on them, entering a garden blooming with life.
The moon was luminescent, bathing the ground in a silvery sheen, lighting them both in such a way that their features were barely visible and only their shadows remained.
"What did my father wish to speak with you about in the first place?" The Princess questioned, leaning down to observe a vividly colored poppy flower that was sprouting out of the soil.
"The usual, of course." He responded nonchalantly, leaning against the wall and gazing upon her with his watchful emerald eyes.
She turned her head to look up at him as she picked a buttercup from the earth.
"That's the reply I always receive, but you've never clarified what 'the usual' is."
She walked over to him and tucked the flower behind his ear and slicked back his hair.
"Ah... Yellow is your color." She giggled.
He smiled softly down at her.
"'The usual' is just him telling me that if you get hurt, I will be the first to be punished."
She rolled her eyes.
"He trusts you so little."
"He does."
With nothing more to say on the subject, she kissed him softly.
It wasn't long, just a peck on the lips.
In fact, she wasn't sure if it could count as a kiss at all, but it held worlds of love and emotion.
When she jumped back from her sudden action, he pressed his forehead to hers and held her close.
"Was I worth traversing the seas for? Leaving your kingdom for a princess you had never met nor heard from in your life?"
"My dear, you were worth every storm I encountered."
"Good." She smiled.
He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear gently, planting a soft kiss onto her forehead, letting her free from his grasp.
"You're perfect." He whispered as she turned away, lips barely grazing her ear.
She flushed a rather fetching shade of beet red, looking at him in the eye before hers darted to the buttercup.
"Yellow is your color..." She repeated.

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