Notes AU

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It started with a question.
The small paper on the fire escape had neat script scribbled across it, small and barely visible if you didn't look close enough.
"I'm not sure who, but somebody on this floor likes their tv on at full blast. If they find this, please be considerate to those trying to sleep! Thank you ~Rm. 36"
Why it was on the fire escape? Kirstie was the quiet type. She hated butting into anyone's business, and if this wasn't butting in, then her dog wasn't the most adorable husky on the planet.
So she tacked her note on the fire escape in the hopes that anyone who wanted to go for a quick walk down the stairs would find it and help her out.
She returned a week later, not expecting to find a reply, but there, next to her note in a relatively messy block lettering was a grey post it.
"I would love to help you out, but I don't know who it is. Maybe you could ask Rm. 19? I know them personally and they seem like those kinds of people.
Sorry if this isn't any help. -Rm. 52"
Kirstie's first thought was to run up to her room and overturn her desk to find her stack of small pink sticky notes and a working pen.
Then, in only 7 minutes, she had slapped the note next to the previous one.
"Thank you so much! If you're right, then I won't have to hear reruns at full volume every night. You're my hero, haha :)
~Rm. 36"
The sticky notes multiplied from different rooms and people who found the growing multitude of post it's on the fire escape or just heard the gossip that rooms 36 and 52 were slowly falling in love on that small grey door.
Room 19 was the first to find them all, taping one to the door that responded to the accusation.
"Rm. 52, ur being a massive jerk.
^^^ She's right
We don't blast it it's only at 75% u can chill
^^^My queen
-Rm 19"
Scott and Mitch later regretted this reply when room 44 snapped to attention.
"Rm. 19, please calm down. And you should turn down your volume. You're both very loud.
-Rm. 44"
Soon enough, all 4 rooms were conversing endlessly through the gray escape door, but 36 and 52 have yet to meet in person.
The most recent notes had read:
"Rm. 52, don't worry, I won't take it against you. Dragons are cool too, and I would love them if they were real.
~Rm. 36"
"36, Dragons are real. I'm not talking to you anymore.
-Rm. 52"
"Aww, no! :( Please don't go! You seem really nice.
~Rm. 36"
"I was just kidding! Are you sad?? I'm sorry!
-Rm. 52"
"It's okay, I'm just happy you replied.
~Rm. 36"
"Omg u dorks just kiss already
^^Yeah if we did u should too
-Rm. 19"
"No pressure, but you guys are adorable.
-Rm. 44"
Kevin had to admit, he was being a little harsh, but his reply didn't give away the months he had spent waiting for this.
Avi was flustered upon reading all of this.
This all started when Room 36, whoever they were, asked a question, and now he was caught up in a conversation on a door that was now half covered in colorful sticky notes.
Kirstie on the other hand only wanted to tear them all down because they kept her up at night wondering how Room 52 would look like in person. And also why the residents of Room 19 had to be affectionate, even in their notes.
The prime example was the one where they ended it saying that they had to go cuddle on the sofa.
If anything though, it made Kirstie jealous.
She went to respond, her note crumpled in her hand, climbing down a flight of stairs to stick it onto the door.
But when she turned around to leave, there was somebody staring at her.
As she prepared to apologize profusely for destruction of property, he took off down the stairs, leaving her to wonder who he was and why he was there.
The next day she came down to this:
"You're prettier than you were in my dream-"
She stopped reading to shield her eyes from embarrassment.
"- and, honestly, I was just standing there waiting for you.
Meet me here at 3:00 tomorrow.
-Rm. 52, Avi Kaplan"
There were some scattered sticky notes from room 19 that all ready
But other than that, nothing was out of order.
Then she ran to her room and nervously wrote this on a yellow post it.
(She ran out of pink, so it would have to do.)
And behind it she scribbled
"Room 36, Kirstie Maldonado."
Her hands were shaking when she came down the next day to find 4 men staring up at her.
Two of them were practically conjoined at the hip, the hand of the tall blond sneaking up the shoulder of the shorter.
That made them Room 19.
Aside from them were a bearded man and a (she tried desperately not to be racially insensitive) black man leaning against the door itself.
"Kirstie." The bearded man called out.
That made whoever was leaning against the wall Room 44.
The occupants of room 19 left them there, room 44 soon following.
It was just the famous rooms 36 and 52 seeing each other in person.
"It took 5 months of passing notes for it to come to this, huh?"
Avi asked, holding out his hand.
"So you're not actually a blood thirsty murderer."
Kirstie smiled, taking it.
"No need to sound so amazed."
"Where are we going, Room 52?"
"To a typical first date at a coffee shop, Room 36."
They couldn't imagine it any more perfect.

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