Right, Left AU

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Scott was a Right.
Mitch was a Right.
Kirstie was a Right.
Avi was a Left who dabbled in music.
And Kevin was one of those nut cases who had high aptitude in both Right and Left and took classes for both.
They were inseparable. They tried to be, anyway.
She got out of the car, her backpack full of art projects, essays, scripts, and music sheets, waving goodbye to her mom and rushing to the classroom.
She wasn't stressed. She was a Right after all, and Right classes were much more lenient than Left classes.
However, being late still had minor repercussions such as sanctions in the art lab after school. This was never fun.
Another sanction was extra math homework, and that wasn't fun either, unless you were a hybrid like Kevin who knew how to sing and do addition. She pondered this as she sat at her desk, throwing her things down.
All she had to do for the entrance exam was circle her talents, algebra being listed as one she didn't encircle. From what her Left friends told her, it was like complicated division with letters. They found it easy, of course, but Kirstie always thought division was complicated enough without having to drag letters into it.
She found Scott and Mitch sharing a desk again, excitedly discussing what was to be done in their theatre class before they noticed her, Mitch jumping off the seat.
"Kirst! Hey! How's it going?"
"Same as always!" She laughed. "You saw me yesterday. I'm fine!"
"Don't blame him for being considerate." Scott teased, arm still around his the waist of his 'best friend'. Kirstie eyed his hand with interest.
"Still not official, huh?"
"Nah." Mitch brushed it off casually.
"What're you so afraid of? We're in the Right wing, in High School nonetheless. You would only get judged if you were a Left, you know?" She pursued.
"It's not the judgement, I think it's more of keeping people on their toes, you know?" Scott shot back. She snorted.
"Yeah right."
"Speaking of relationships, how's it going with Mr. Left?"
"Shut up, Mitch!" She spat, embarrassed. "Does every pair of best friends have to be dating??"
"Yeah, of course." He replied, sarcasm evident. "But when it's Avi Kaplan... I don't know. You two are just..."
The teacher walked in at that moment, disturbing them.
Kirstie sighed in relief.
Avi unloaded his bag, rifling through the music sheets of his elective course and picking out a sheet of half finished algebra, barely looking at the questions before answering.
"Perks of being a Left..." He murmured, zipping by problem after problem while Kevin juggled all of his projects next to him.
"Keep talking, Kaplan!" He laughed, finishing his essay for Composition, adding the final touch to his painting for his art elective, scanning his piece for another elective, music, and speeding through pages of geometry. There was more, but it was tucked into his planner.
"I don't see how you do it, Olusola." Avi huffed, double checking his answers to make sure he didn't fail. Of course, since his aptitude was for Left, he rarely did.
The school allowed a lot when it came to courses. It was one of the best schools money could buy, actually, since they were sorted not just by grade, but by brain, and it was made easier for the students to display their talent.
"I don't see how you do it either, actually."
"I'm just dealing with Music. You're over here in the Left wing taking all the Right classes." He responded smoothly.
"I wasn't talking about that! I meant how someone like you can be so ignorant."
"Excuse me?" He said quietly, voice low and dangerous.
"I mean, when there's a girl like her around, and she so obviously likes you... I think you're a little bit insane not going for her."
"What? Who? Kirstie?"
The teacher walked in, heels clicking on the marble floor.
"We can talk about this later." Kevin whispered, pulling out his notebook, ready to take notes.
They had lunch together, of course. Since majority of them were in the Right wing they usually ate in the Right courtyard.
But only Kirstie and Avi showed up.
Kevin claimed he had a missed exam he had to take care of. He hadn't been absent a day of school but he swore on his honor.
More believable still, Scott and Mitch were whisked away because they had a date in the music room where they were going to shade random people on Twitter and maybe kiss if the coast was clear.
So they had to eat lunch together.
Avi whipped out a box of pasta from the Left wing cooking class which Kirstie was taking as an elective. Their classes weren't at the same time, however.
"Eugh..." She grumbled upon seeing a scrambled egg sandwich in her bag for the 2nd week in a row. She then leaned over to look at the pasta.
"Seems good."
"It is." He replied, shifting awkwardly. "Do you want some?"

Hmm... Maybe I should post a part two...
What do you guys think?

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