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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in AGES, but I haven't been too active in the fandom and I haven't had any ideas. Any updates, if ever, will be ridiculously slow from this point on. Sorry!

He fell in love accidentally, and he fell in love ridiculously hard.

God, he wishes he didn't, because nothing is worse than being in love with your best friend.

Especially when your best friend doesn't like you back.

It happened sometime in 2015, although Scott's not exactly sure when.

That's a lie, he knows exactly when.

He knows that it's when he's having relationship issues with Alex and he's sobbing on the sofa and Mitch comes over with a blanket and some Starbucks and a soft look on his face and he swaddles Scott up like he's a baby and turns the TV on for some appreciated distraction.

In that exact moment, when Scott looks down on his left shoulder and sees his best friend (his best friend, how dare he forget) leaning lightly on him that he knows he's done for.

It's something about the way his dark eyes twinkle and shine in the sunlight that filters in through their curtains in the morning when he goes in to check on how he slept the previous night.

It's something about the way he says something entirely dumb and uncalled for and cracks up at his own, usually rude, joke, made at someone else's expense.

It's something in his smile when he's onstage, his hands waving enthusiastically at their ever growing crowds, the way he responds "I love you too" so smoothly to all of the panicked fans calling out his name, the way he lovingly takes a picture of every crowd they perform for.

It's something about the way they hold hands for meet and greets, the way Mitch's fingers so smoothly intertwine with his and the way he applies pressure, how soft and smooth his hands are.

God, Scott wishes he could hold those hands every day of his life, and not in a friendly way.

But he knows one thing for sure.

Every loving glance in his direction, every time Mitch interlocks their fingers, every time he falls asleep on his shoulder, Scott knows that it's not enough.

Scott knows it will never be enough to sate the ever growing hunger, the over whelming love he feels for his best friend.

Scott knows he will never be enough for Mitch.

And that breaks his heart, even if he won't show it, even if he won't say a word.

Scott knows that, so he sets his best friend up on dates, plastering a smile on his face even though he can feel his heart shattering into pieces.

Scott knows that, so he pretends he's in love with someone else. He convinces himself that other people will do, even if they don't have the same captivating smiles and sparkling eyes that Mitch does.

But he's not in love with anyone else.

Other people won't do.

They will never be enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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