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Mitch scurried around the cluttered house, pushing aside piles of white and pale pink ribbons and flowers, scavenging through table cloths, ripping through a mishmash of sterling silver spoons, forks, and dinner knives.
He also may have knocked over a few picture frames, but, he told himself, picture frames could easily be replaced.
In his mind, for whatever reason, a stack of envelopes and paper was more valuable.
"Scotty!!! Have you seen the invitations??" He called out in frustration once he had finished overturning their bedroom.
"Have you checked the study?" His voice rolled in from around the corner, from the dining room, where he had been sitting idly by for the past 3 hours.
"Yes! Look around, lazy- they might be on the table!!"
He pushed back his fringe and wiped some sweat from his brow before slinking into the kitchen to join Scott.
He collapsed on the table.
Scott, on the other hand, was scrolling through his Twitter feed as he would on any normal day, free hand drumming a steady rhythm into the wooden surface.
"You have to relax." He soothed, not once lifting his gaze from his screen.
"I- relax??" He sputtered, stressed and flustered.
Mitch stormed over to Scott, knocking his phone out of his hands and shoving his own in his face.
"Look at this calendar. Look at it Scott. We barely have 2 months to prepare for this. Honestly, closer to 1 month than 2. Do you honestly think I still have time to relax??"
Scott heaved a heavy sigh, blue eyes boring through his fiancé's hazel brown.
Then he grabbed his hand and slipped off the ring that was on his right index finger.
He let it catch the light and rotated it to display it's immaculate golden sheen even better, the tiny diamond studs reflecting iridescently.
"Why do you think I gave this to you? Why do you think I got down on one knee to give you a ring?"
Mitch tilted his head, biting his tongue to prevent a sarcastic comment escaping his lips.
"I gave it to you because I love you, okay? This wedding is going to happen no matter what, and it's beauty isn't the most important thing. What really matters is that people see how much I love you, and how much you love me, right?"
He nodded ever so slightly to signify that he had gotten the point, nimble fingers stealing back his engagement ring and sliding it back onto his finger. His teeth snagged on his bottom lip, nervousness visible.
"You do love me, I hope." Scott grinned playfully, diffusing the gravity of the situation.
Mitch released a breath he didn't realize he had been holding in, breaking into a playful, bouncy grin.
"What kind of crazy question is that, Samantha? I already told you yes. What more do you want from me?"
He threw his arms around the baritone's neck, meeting his lips and smiling into the kiss, soft and slow and sweet, just like they had been in his high school dreams.
Quite frankly, this was a dream in and of itself. A dream wedding with the perfect man, his best friends, and a sphinx cat.
It couldn't get better from here.
Scott pulled away, palm on his cheek, Mitch holding the back of his hand, lips upturned at the corners, his thumb softly tracing circles onto his skin.
They stayed like this for a second, unspoken words lingering between the both of them.
How did I get so lucky to have you?
Scott broke the silence.
"Now go check the living room. You finished Kit's, right? And Meat and Potatoes?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're with the rest of the pile, wherever it is." Mitch huffed, rolling his eyes sarcastically.
"And have you decided on what you're wearing yet?"
"I did find a nice dress online, but I don't know if it's my styl-"
"Oh, baby, you look absolutely stunning in everything you wear. Go get that dress if you want to, okay? But it's fine if you want a tux. It's our day, but remember, it's still about our love and not how we look."
"Thing is, how we look matters too." He snickered, tapping him on the forehead. "I'll go check the living room now, see if I can find it under all the magazines and the Wyatt. I love you so much, Scooter."
"I love you too, Michelle, my gorgeous."

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