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Rain pelted against the glass windows.
A crack of thunder echoed across the midnight sky.
Olaf jumped up from the kitchen tile in a relative panic, scurrying and slipping multiple times on the cold floor. His paws skittered across the room in 5 seconds flat, nails making a tac-tac sound as he ran.
His pupils dilated as another boom sounded, jumping up to run even faster, trying to escape.
The tile became hardwood as he stumbled into the living room and towards the sofa, bumping his head on the arm of the chair.
Kirstie's head jolted up from it's position on Avi's chest, some of her golden hair getting caught in her mouth as she did so.
She shook her head and spat most of the strands out, pulling on what remained, leaning over to see what had caused her to awaken.
Their husky lay incapacitated on the floor, but she knew better than to let it worry her, as he had quite the dramatic flair and lived for attention.
She held in her laughter as he opened his eyes dopily to check if anyone had noticed his "suffering", smiling as she always did and nudging her boyfriend to wake up.
Another burst of thunder crackled outside their window.
Avi had to blink a few to times to process the sights around him.
He had fallen asleep on the sofa maybe two hours prior, alone, and now Kirstie was curled up, sitting in fetal position, pointing over the arm of the sofa with a gleaming grin.
He rolled his eyes and huffed quietly, sitting up and bending over where their dog lay, seemingly knocked out on the floor.
He raised a questioning eyebrow at his girlfriend who merely shrugged her shoulders, him being wise enough to understand that now wasn't the time for questions.
An icy cold wind slammed all their doors shut.
And so they were all awake, curled up by the heater.
More rain crashed into their windows, lightning bolts flashed across the sky, thunder howled and the wind bellowed, but they wouldn't let that bother them.
The most important thing at the moment was that their whole, small family was together, Kirstie leaning on Avi's shoulder, Olaf asleep at their feet, his breathing muffled and quiet, snout twitching at birds and squirrels that weren't really there at all.
It didn't matter that they all were on the floor.
It didn't matter that a storm was raging outside.
Because material things come and go, but love will never leave you.
People might, but love, never.
Love, and silence.

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