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Credits to @SnB1996 for the idea!

"No... I... No. This is still a horrible idea."
"Well we're already here so we might as well."
Step 1: Make Sure Scott Was Home

Kirstie: Hey, are you home?

Scott: Yeah

Scott: Why so curious?

Kirstie: Was thinking of coming over later if I have time

Scott: Well I'm pretty damn lonely rn

Kirstie: Mitch?

Scott: Out w his friends. Probably won't be back for hours.

Kirstie: :((

"Nice conversation closer." Avi snickered, looking over Kirstie's shoulder as she hit send. She whacked him playfully on the arm.
"I did better than you would! Everything going well, Mister 'I have a plan'??"
He let out a low chuckle.
"Yes, Kit. In fact, things are going better than expected."
Step 2: Pay Scott A Visit

Before even taking a step towards his door, Kirstie made it known to Avi that this was a terrible idea and wasn't going to play out exactly as he wanted.
His response was to shrug dismissively and repeat his order to go inside.
She listened, but not before shooting daggers at him through her icy stare.
"Hey Scooter!" She exclaimed giddily as she opened the door, putting all her qualms aside.
He waved from the sofa and she plopped down beside him.
"What, not worthy of a simple 'hi'?"
He rolled his eyes.
"Hello, Kirst."
"And a jolly good morning to you too. What time is Mitchy getting back?"
"Well, since it took you long enough to get here, about an hour at most."
She giggled a little before remembering Avi was the only person in the band who thought that was cute and he was the only person who she really had to flirt with.
"Cool. Maybe tell him to come home already?"
"What? Why? Since when did you care?"
She nudged him in the stomach with her elbows, not unkindly.
"Because the gang's all here, duh!" She laughed, albeit a bit nervously. He looked at her skeptically and raised an eyebrow before shrugging and deciding not to question her motives because he knew her, and she always knew what she was doing.
He picked up his phone and called his best friend.
Step 3: Set Up The Trip Wire

Avi stayed low to the ground as he creaked the door open ever so slightly, taking out the roll of wire he had in his hand from behind his back, measuring the length of the frame, cutting the wire, leaving a little bit of excess, and taping it to the doorway with duct tape.
He figured it should be at least ankle height to get the right effect, but he couldn't help but wonder if his girlfriend was right and it would all fall apart.
After all, since when was Kirstin Maldonado ever wrong?
By the time he had finished his work and stepped back to admire it, a car pulled up in the driveway. He closed the door immediately.
He dived into the bushes, because that's how it works in movies.
What the movies don't show is how painful it really is to dive into a bush or a hedge, with thorns and twigs poking into your skin, no space to move.
He peeked through a small opening, unknowingly making a bit of a rustling noise.
He realized this a bit too late when Mitch paused and looked in his direction, possibly also seeing his eyes, and he walked over, prying the leaves apart.
"What. The hell." He sputtered in confusion. "Avi, what exactly are you doing hiding in our bushes?"
"Uhh... Kirstie's over at your place?" His voice had hitched at the end of the phrase, making it sound less like an answer and more like a question.
Mitch bought it and shook his head.
"Stalkers... Well, I'll leave you to it."
Step 4: Get Scott To Open The Door

Kirstie's head shot up when the doorbell rang.
So did Scott's.
"You get it." They said, barely a second apart, both of them glaring.
"I can't." She had to defend. "Because I'm using your wifi, and it doesn't reach all the way there."
"What?? That's a horrible reason!!" He groaned.
"Well, it's a reason. At least I had one!"
He huffed.
"I can't... Because..."
"Because I..."
"Come on, Scott-land. You have 3 seconds."
He snarled at her as she began to count down on her fingers.
"I give up!! I give up. You win, KitKat, I'll get the door."
She grinned triumphantly.
"That's a terrible nickname."
He scoffed at her as he walked away.
"Compared to Scooter, Scotty, and Scott-land? I think KitKat is fine."
Step 5: ????

Scott turned the door handle and found his best friend staring up at him with a satisfied smirk.
"What, did the cute guy at Starbucks notice you?"
"No, unfortunately." He laughed, shaking his head. "But Avi's hanging out in the hedges."
"Precisely my reaction. He said Kirstie was over and he was stalking her."
"Well, she is here, but can we please talk about this inside?"
"Alright. Mama needs to rest her feet anyway."
"Ladies first." Scott chuckled, stepping aside to let him enter.
Then Mitch tripped and stumbled, almost falling to the floor, screeching a long string of profanities, none of which were appropriate for an audience of any kind.
Scott jumped into action and caught him.
His head popped up from the shrubbery, a smile playing on his face as they all heard a loud victory cry coming from the living room.
Step 6: Profit

"Wait, okay, so this was an elaborate set up just to get Mitch to fall into my arms?"
"Well, yes." Kirstie nodded, grin still lingering.
"Y'all are a mean bunch." Mitch sighed, shaking his head and pushing back his fringe.
They were gathered on the floor of Scott's room because they figured it was better if the neighbors couldn't see them.
"And what for?" Scott inquired, intrigued that they put such effort into what couldn't even classify as a prank.
"Because we figured it would be funny if you ever got together because Mitch could say that he literally fell for you." Avi responded, getting a slap on the thigh from Kirstie.
"You didn't have to tell them!!!"
"I wanted to."
The best friends shared a look.
"There's no 'if' in the equation." Scott said nonchalantly.
"What???" Both Kirstie and Avi snapped.
"Yeah!" Mitch chirped. "We've been dating for about a month. I guess now's the best time to tell you!"
Avi fell over into Kirstie's lap.
"It was all for naught!!" He wailed as she ran her hand over his hair like he was their dog.
"So we did it all for nothing?"
"Yup!" Mitch confirmed.
"You've got to be kidding me."

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