Dance Dance

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"C'mon, just a few more rounds."
"The rest of them left already and I'm still in heels."
"Then take them off!"
"....You suck."
"Yeah, whatever. I love you too."
Kirstie Maldonado was never going to another one of Avi's house parties again.
The night started out innocent enough, but then Scott had the fantastic idea to pull out Just Dance.
That's when it all spiraled downwards.
For everyone else, it might have been hilarious. Kevin couldn't stop laughing for a full hour.
But to Kirstie, who was wearing heels and a skirt pretty far up above her knees, it was like walking on hot coals while trying not to flash your underwear at your friends who happen to be watching.
Actually, that was exactly what was happening.
After God-knows-how-many rounds and songs, Kevin had to pack up and leave and Mitch all but passed out on Avi's sofa, leaving Scott to carry him home like a spoiled princess.
Which, they all agreed, he was.
Then it was just Kirstie and Avi in his living room, cooling off in front of the TV.
"I should get going." She had murmured, grabbing her jacket from the arm of the couch.
"Olaf will be expecting me..."
"Olaf can wait."
"But Jeremy-" she interjected.
"Esther can take his contract and rip it to shreds for all I care. We don't even get to spend time together anymore! Come on, let's do a few more songs."
She had given in to his request.
It took him a few threats of the cold shoulder and puppy-dog eyes, but she had agreed to stay just the smallest bit longer.
So they played a few more rounds.
Kirstie found that she felt like a baby giraffe, stumbling and tripping every three or so moves because of her platform heels.
Thank god Avi was there to catch her every time with a smile.
"What would I do without you.." She huffed as she collapsed on the sofa behind them, giving up on the game.
He stuck an arm out behind her and wrapped her in his arms.
"B-body heat!!" She exclaimed, flustered.
"I'm all sweaty and you're not helping!!"
He laughed richly, kissing the top of her forehead.
"You're such a klutz, Kirstin." He smiled, releasing her from his iron grip.
"Tch." She rolled her eyes. "Thanks for the reminder, Avriel. Like I haven't fallen for you enough times already."
He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head as she realized how that sentence must have come out.
He snickered at how smooth she was and sat down beside her.
"I didn't finish."
Then he pulled her into a soft, gentle kiss, sweet and sentimental. She jumped partially, but then eventually melted into his arms.
He ran his fingers through her golden hair after they pulled apart, the song playing on the TV coming to a close.
"You're my klutz, Maldonado. And you're free to leave now. Olaf's waiting."
"Mmmm..." She tapped her chin in fake thought.
"Nah. Jeremy's home to take care of him anyway." She giggled, sounds like chiming bells escaping her lips.
"I think... You're more important tonight."
Their lips met again and their score flashed on the screen.
They failed.
On second thought, maybe Kirstie should come to his house parties more often.

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