Chapter 4: Resignation

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Chapter 4: Resignation

The next week went by slowly for Rose. He rmother would drop by twice a day to try to talk to her, but found nearly as easy as talking to a brick wall. 

Rose bacme recluse, solitary, and depressed. Moping around the apartment all day. Every once and a while she would stand up quickly, start doing the dishes or tidying the flat, as if drawn by some divine purpose. But the feeling would pass. Everything does.

Sometimes her gaze would be drawn to the small slip of paper by her telephone. She knew the number by heart, but she couldn't bring herself to call. She wanted to badly, wanted to hear his voice, but she couldn't believe that he was The Doctor. He was in imposter. Her Doctor, The proper Doctor was somewere very far away. Alone. Does he miss me? 

On Friday morning her mother called her. She told Rose that she wasn't going to bail her out of rent anymore. She needed to get out and start a life in this new world. Even suggested going back to work at Torchwood.

Rose hung up before she could hear another word. She layed on her bed and sobbed for hours. eventually she ran out of tears. Her eyes pounded and her breathing became ragged and she felt her heart rip itself apart. She cried out his name to the wind, wishing he would apear in front of her in his brown suit and faded red converse. She wished he would flicker into the room, smile, and say. "Hey Rose it's me! Sorry it took me so long, traffic was rubbish." But he didn't.

She wiped her face, walked into the living room and roughly grabbed the telephone. She unched in the number and waited anxiously, wiping her eyes as the dilaling tone went off. She didn't have long towait before an all to familiar voice answers. 


She sniffles. "I think you should come 'round."

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