Chapter 17: Never forgotten

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Chapter 17: Never forgotten

“What’s through this door?” Amy asks griping the metal handle of the nearest panel in the endless TARDIS halls. 

“Don’t open that!” He says flinging himself to stop her, placing his palm on the handle and shoving it shut again.

“What is it?”

“Supernova. Remember I threw my manual in-”

“You said you threw your manual in a supernova. You have your own PERSONAL supernova?”

He rolls his eyes and the continue through the halls.  “Where do you think I put my junk?”

“Well I thought you made a new room and shoved it inside.”

He sarcastically laughs and they rear past another fire-pole, this one bright blue.

Amy runs to it, and looks down.

Ever since the night at the BED-room, Amy had been curious about the many rooms inside the TARDIS. The Doctor had agreed that instead of an adventure today, they'd explore indoors. Well outdoors if you count the TARDIS gardens and a very large mountain with a fountain on top behind a large golden door.

Below her Amy could see the bottoms of luscious carpets on at least 6 different floors that the pole passed to its destination.

“Whats down here?” She asked.

The Doctor came up behind her and looked down to to see what she was looking at.

“No idea.” 

She looks at him in surprise.

He exasperatedly splutters, “I can’t remember everything!”

She grins sneakily, grabs the cold metal and swings her body onto the pole.


He shakes his head. “I don’t think that’s a good-”

She interrupts with a happy scream as she slides down.

He groans and grabs the pole, quickly following, the rooms sliding past his vision swiftly, all more ornate and posh as the last.

At the bottom he finds himself in a pitch black room, the only light coming from the circle spilling from the fire-pole hole above him.


His voice echoes and repeats his words back to him. Theres a million of him in this room.

His eyes adjust to the dark and he screams, leaping back to the pole.

He sighs, realizing what he was seeing.

There really are a million of him in this room. The room is full of mirrors.

He looks around and walks up to the nearest one.

His face is shown back to him. He begins to notice the dark circles gathering under his hazel eyes. Each day made them thicker and darker. Like the rings of a tree, increasing depth over time. It may be the only mark on his face that showed how his insides felt. His boyish looks could never portray all the things the old man inside had seen.

A yell flings him from his trance and he recognizes Amy’s voice.

“Doctor! Come on! I found a dungeon!”

He groans and walks past the mirrors. He didn’t exactly approve of Amy riffling through the TARDIS drawers. It made him slightly uncomfortable. Like someone digging through your box of prized possessions with cheeto covered fingers. But Amy was careful he knew, and if it made her happy, he’d deal with it.

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