Chapter 22: The perfect decoy

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Chapter 22: The perfect decoy

Fuzzy shapes drift into her vision as Rose slowly opens her eyes. She’s in a puddle of yellow light, sitting upright. She lifts her hand to touch the wound she could feel on her temple, but finds her hands restrained by chains.

She tries to see past the puddle of light and into the darkness, but finds that this small metal chair was designed to be stern, and electrifies her when she tries to struggle out.

The power of the electricity nocks her out, and she slowly passes out, slumping in the metal chair.

After she collapsed, a thin man walks up to the double sided chair. A tall thin man in a black suit.

He reaches down a clawed thin hand and grabs her chin, lifting it up to face him. He strokes her hair, then drops her head. It thuds down and he turns away.

“Status.” He grows. 

A timid voice responds from the dark. “The alien is still unconcious. Your venom was enough to put it down for a nap.” 

He grunts in satisfaction and begins to circle Rose in the light, fading into darkness then stepping back into the light. 

The timid man speaks again, seemingly over a loudspeaker high above. 

“Also may I add sir that your infiltration of TORCHWOOD was very well handled indeed.”

The tall man stops walking. Until then his face had been hidden in shadow, his features unknown. But as he turns up to the source of the voice, his face is flooded with light. 

If Rose had been conscious she would have screamed until she fainted. And she wasn’t fazed by the supernatural.

“You know, Jimmy,” He drawls on the name and chews on it, sending shivers up the man aboves spine. “Compliments wont release you any sooner. In fact, I don’t think you will ever be leaving.”

Choked sobs drift done through the intercom. “Please I’ve done everything you've asked! I just want to see my family.”

“And you will. If you do your job, and stop asking questions. Now, have you sent the message?”

Jimmy seems to have composed himself. “Yes sir. It was hard considering that the ship is in a constant stage of flux, but I think it reached the girl ok. Amy pond with tell The Doctor, and he’ll be here when they get the coordinates.”

The man smiles. “Good.”

He strokes Rose’s cheek. “You Rose Tyler will be the perfect decoy.”

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